Still Waiting for Answers on Benghazi

On October 25, Speaker John Boehner sent a letter to President Obama asking him to answer several key questions and concerns about his administration’s response to the terrorist attack in Libya.

The president still hasn’t responded.

“Americans remain concerned and frustrated about how your Administration has handled the response to the attack,” wrote Boehner. For example, “The American public is increasingly reading information contradicting early accounts by your Administration of the causes of the events of the day.”

The administration itself has been a source for much of the confusion. USA Today highlights a CBS News interview from September 12 where President Obama “said it was ‘too early to tell’ whether the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya was an act of terrorism.” Weeks later, the president claimed he had labeled it a “terrorist attack” the day after it occurred. The American people deserve an explanation.

Speaker Boehner also asked whether Ambassador Stevens ever made “any direct observations or [raised] any concerns” to the president or his staff “about the security situation” Libya. Fox News reports that “[t]he president did not give a yes-or-no answer” when “asked pointedly whether the Americans under attack in Benghazi, Libya, were denied requests for help during the attack.” Again, the American people deserve an explanation.

Click here to read Boehner’s letter and to see the other questions that remain unanswered by the president and his administration.

Tags: Libya