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ARZU Women's Carpet Making B-Roll


ARZU Women's Carpet Making B-Roll

Video by Sgt. Rachel Badgeley | 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 06.20.2012

ARZU Studio Hope is a non-profit organization that provides a place for women to make carpets, where they will get paid 50% of the carpets value, in addition to the cost of their labor. The women who work in... View Video

Preschool Children on Women in ARZU's Program B-Roll


Preschool Children on Women in ARZU's Program B-Roll

Video by Sgt. Rachel Badgeley | 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 06.20.2012

These children are in preschool while their mothers work for ARZU Studio Hope, a non-profit organization that provides a place for women to make carpets. The women get paid 50% of the carpets value, in addition... View Video

Razia Jan


Razia Jan

Video by Sgt. Rachel Badgeley | 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 06.20.2012

Razia Jan is the Program Director for ARZU Studio Hope, a non-profit organization that provides a place for women to make carpets. She discusses the benefits of this program where women get paid 50 percent of... View Video

Razia Jan Children of Arzu Interview


Razia Jan Children of Arzu Interview

Video by Sgt. Rachel Badgeley | 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 06.20.2012

These are preschool children of women employed by ARZU Studio Hope, a non-profit organization which provides a place for women to make carpets. The women get paid 50% of the carpets value, in addition to their... View Video