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Lankford Elected Republican Policy Chair

I look forward to meeting with our newly elected leadership team and my colleagues in the House to continue to discuss ways to build on the significant work we’ve already accomplished
Lankford Elected Republican Policy Chair feature image

Edmond Schools Parent Advisory Council Meeting

I was pleased to sit down and talk with the Edmond Schools Parent Advisory Council Meeting, hosted by Principal Jason Pittenger (Edmond North), about some of the issues facing us in the House in the months ahead.
Edmond Schools Parent Advisory Council Meeting feature image

Open House in Oklahoma City

My staff and I were excited to open our doors, visit with old friends, and meet new faces during our recent open house in Oklahoma City.
Open House in Oklahoma City feature image

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The Issues


The Path to Prosperity

We are dealing with a debt crisis. Currently, the U.S. national debt is more than $14 trillion and will reach $17 trillion by 2013.



As a nation, we currently spend over $2 billion a day importing over 42 percent of our oil from foreign countries.

Health Care

Repealing the Government Takeover of Health Care and Replacing with Patient-Oriented Solutions

I have joined more than 240 of my fellow Members of Congress in voting for H.R. 2, a bill to repeal the government takeover of health care.