Ken Calvert

Ken Calvert


Ken Calvert, United States Congress, representing California's 44th District

Corona, CA ·

ציוצים הכול / אין תגובות

Obama’s record: high unemployment, high gas pxs, record high debt, low growth, more gov’t, and a foreign policy that collapsed.

Obama’s economic “recovery” has been worst since the Great Depression; for many Americans, there has been no recovery.

Obama’s “plan” is nothing but rehash of last 4 yrs More taxes, more regs, more spending, bigger govt. Enough is enough.

“You didn’t build that” “The private sector is doing fine” Obama has shown that he is anti-business & out of touch

Obama knew 2 HRS after Libya attack that terrorist grp had claimed credit.Yet he pushed “video” narrative for 2 WEEKS.

Obama had more positive things to say about Occupy Wall Street than he did about Iranians dying in the streets. Facts matter.

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