Ander Crenshaw

Ander Crenshaw


Member of Congress, FL-04

Washington, D.C. ·

Recognizing, remembering the sacrifices and bravery of our nation's veterans. Thanks for your service.

On Vets Day, never forget: nation’s greatness drawn from blood, sacrifices of honorable, courageous men and women.

Desert Shield/Desert Storm Vets in spotlight at my Vets Special Recognition Ceremony Thurs. Tune in to at 7:53 a.m. for more.

Big round of applause for Fl. League of Defense Contractors, JAA, for top-notch First Coast Defense Expo! #FCDExpo.

Nat'l security policy session at . Sequestration = drastic defense cuts, economic harm. My focus on averting this looming threat.

Catch Fl. League of Defense Contractors President Joe Marino at 8 a.m.from First Coast Defense Expo. Doors open at 9. a.m..

Sembla que triga molt a carregar-se.

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