Janice Hahn

Janice Hahn


Proudly representing California's 36th District in Congress

San Pedro, CA · http://hahn.house.gov

About to start my community workshop on the deferred action immigration program for our young DREAMers in Wilmington!

Did you take any good photos of the Endeavour flying over Los Angeles? Tweet them at me!

Happy 65th Birthday, United States Air Force! Thank you to the men and women who wear the uniform and protect us daily

Happy Constitution Day! We must strive to come together to protect the right to vote for each and every citizen.

L'Shanah Tovah. May you have a sweet year that is filled with health and blessing in 5773.

Excellent new report shows the urgency of investing in our infrastructure and our nation’s ports.

Pemuatan tampaknya berlangsung agak lama.

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