Sandy Levin

Sandy Levin


Congressman Sandy Levin represents Michigan’s 12th Congressional District

Washington DC ·

RT : "Our top priority has to be jobs and growth. We've got to build on the progress we've made." —President Obama

Tickets to the 57th Presidential Inauguration will be provided via Congressional Member offices. For more info:

The author of the withdrawn CRS study on taxes tells me, "I certainly stand behind my work."

Think you'd see this headline had we "let Detroit go bankrupt"? Det News today: Chrysler has best Oct sales in 5 yrs

Imagine where we would be had we let Detroit go bankrupt. Not here: Chrysler adding 1,100 new jobs

Read my op-ed on the Romney-Ryan plan for the eventual destruction of Medicare as we know it.

Pemuatan tampaknya berlangsung agak lama.

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