GOP Conference

GOP Conference


The United States House of Representatives Republican Conference

Washington, DC ·

Happy 237th birthday to the United States Marine Corps ! Thank you for your dedication and selfless service to our nation.

There are 23 million underemployed Americans on President Obama's watch. His $1.2 TRILLION stimulus failed.

Sent a letter to Pres Obama last week seeking answers on WH response to attack Americans deserve answers

Bipartisan U.S. trade pact w/Panama, passed by House in 2011, takes effect today Benefits in both countries.

The longer we have a POTUS clinging to policies that punish success, the longer Americans will have to wait for :

Did you know 4.3 MILLION American women left the workforce since President Obama took office? His policies have failed.

Zdá se, že načítání trvá déle.

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