Frederica Wilson

Frederica Wilson


Congresswoman from the 17th District of Florida; former elementary school principal and school board member; grandmother of four beautiful grandkids

Washington DC ·

Twiitit Kaikki / Ei vastauksia

Congresswoman Wilson pays tribute to our Veterans on November 9, 2012. South Florida Veterans RSVP by November 7, 2012, call 305-690-5905.

171,000 new jobs were added to our economy in October. This is a good sign that our economy continues to move in the right direction.

Today, marks the 10th Anniversary of the Help America Vote Act. I am proud to join in marking this important anniversary.

Join me Foreclosure Prevention Workshop Wednesday, October 24, 2012 1:00pm to 8:00pm Call 305-690-5905.

The Miami VA Medical Center is moving forward with renovation of its operating rooms. Congress has authorized completion.

The September job's report is good news; 114,000 more Americans are now working and the unemployment rate is below 8 percent.

Congratulations to Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) on the 125th anniversary of its founding.

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Let us continue to stand together and fight to find a cure.

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