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Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Representative Scott Garrett, a Repbulican from New Jersey:
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Representative Scott Garrett, a Repbulican from New Jersey: "Another series of robocalls or fliers or TV ads are not going to change the opinion of my constituents."

House Republicans, whose constituents do not want their taxes raised, are faced with the pitch that increasing taxes for the affluent will help the nation over all.

Debt Reckoning

Federal Agencies Brace for Possible Cuts

Officials are making plans to lay off workers, shift money and delay contracts if President Obama and Congress fail to make a deal to prevent automatic cuts and tax increases.

Obama, With Blue-Collar Backdrop, Pushes for Higher Taxes on the Richest

President Obama took to the road again in the fiscal debate, touring a German-owned truck factory in Michigan where a new investment of $120 million was announced.

Obama Approves Health Insurance Marketplaces in 6 States

At the same time, the administration rejected the pleas of other states to partially expand Medicaid, causing some Republicans to express disappointment.

113th Congress: This Time, It’s Out With the New

Instead of fresh faces, many of the recently elected members of the House of Representatives are career bureaucrats and policy wonks with deep histories in politics and government.

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The Caucus

Obama and Boehner Talk About Deficits at the White House

President Obama and Speaker John A. Boehner met privately as a top Republican senator said acceding on tax rates for high earners might shift attention to entitlements.

News Analysis

U.N. Ambassador Questioned on U.S. Role in Congo Violence

Susan E. Rice, a candidate for secretary of state, is close to Rwanda’s president and is being scrutinized over the United States’ position on the Congo conflict.


Same-Sex Issue Pushes Justices Into Overdrive

The Supreme Court’s hearing of two cases on gay marriage could result in a split decision that would provide benefits to couples in some states, but permit other states to forbid same-sex marriages.

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Senators Propose Tax Breaks for Storm Cleanup

Senators Charles E. Schumer of New York and Robert Menendez of New Jersey modeled their Hurricane Sandy measure on 2005 legislation passed to help those affected by Hurricane Katrina.

Fed Is Likely to Sustain Its Stimulus Program

The Federal Reserve must still determine what to buy and how much to spend, and officials continue to debate the best way to describe when the agency is likely to stop buying.

James D. Hodgson, Labor Secretary and Ambassador, Dies at 96

Mr. Hodgson, appointed by President Richard M. Nixon, promoted construction jobs for minority workers and safer American workplaces.

Clinton’s Countless Choices Hinge on One: 2016

With her tenure as Secretary of State coming to an end, Hillary Rodham Clinton appears to be a figure of nearly limitless possibility, but her next few years could ultimately be defined by her plans for the 2016 election.

Tax Arithmetic Shows Top Rate Is Just a Starter

Despite hints that President Obama and House Speaker John A. Boehner might compromise on the tax rate paid by top earners, a host of other tax questions could still derail a fiscal deal.

New Taxes to Take Effect to Fund Health Care Law

As part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the new levies, which take effect in January, include an increase in the payroll tax on wages and a tax on investment income.

Debt Reckoning

How a Fiscal Impasse, in 1990, Was Broken

In 1990, President George H.W. Bush also faced automatic budget cuts and rising deficits, but it was only when he gave up his no-tax pledge that negotiations quickened.

Economic View

In Talks, G.O.P. May Have to Just Say Yes

Negotiations between the president and Congressional Republicans hinge on a concept outlined in a book called “Getting to Yes.”

The Fiscal Deadline

The New York Times will be following the talks between President Obama and Congressional leaders on the so-called fiscal cliff.

How the Tax Burden Has Changed

Compare how much Americans paid in federal, state and local taxes over the past three decades.

Presidential Exit Polls

A look at how different demographics voted in 2012.

Obama’s Diverse Base of Support

A survey of the groups responsible for the President’s re-election.

After Hard-Fought Campaign, a Victory for Obama

Americans went to makeshift sites in East Coast communities devastated by Hurricane Sandy and traditional voting booths in schools, libraries and town halls across the rest of the country.

President Obama’s Election Night Speech

“Tonight you voted for action, not politics as usual,” President Obama said after winning the election. “You elected us to focus on your jobs, not ours.”

In the States

A look at some of the most notable races and ballot measures in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

The 2012 Presidential Campaign, Week by Week

Every week during the 2012 presidential campaign, The Times posted a slide show recapping the events of the past seven days.

332 Obama Dashboard-dem-check@2x
Dashboard-rep-check@2x Romney 206
270 to win
Senate »
54 Hp-dem-check@2x
1 Ind.
Hp-rep-check@2x 45
House »
195 Hp-dem-check@2x
Hp-rep-check@2x 233