Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi


Democratic Leader, focused on strengthening America's middle class and creating jobs; mother, grandmother, dark chocolate connoisseur.

San Francisco & DC ·

Speaker Boehner + House GOP should approve the Senate-passed bill to extend middle income tax cuts. Pres Obama has his signing pen ready.

If you haven’t done so already, please exercise your right to vote! As says, honor the sacrifice of those who fought for it.

32 straight mos of private sec job growth. More to do, but clear signs that economy's better off than 4 yrs ago + moving in right direction.

Our prayers are w/ families who've seen death + devastation in their communities. We're thankful for first responders helping to save lives.

Congrats to ! Their tenacity, heart, and teamwork have made us proud. SF has the best team and the best fans in all of baseball!

So proud of the . They have great teamwork, the will to win + best fans in all of baseball. Let's go win the World Series again!

Today's ruling marks one step closer to the day when all American families can enjoy the blessings of equal protection under the law.

Sembla que triga molt a carregar-se.

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