Governor Brewer's Office of Economic Recovery

State Agencies

State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF)

Press Releases

Phase II Updates

Government Services

Grant Progress Report
This programmatic activity report will provide the Governor’s Office of Economic Recovery (GOER) with updates regarding your goals and performance measures.  The summary of work completed section is to be utilized as a brief outline of where your agency is in the project, and achievements attained during the specified time period.  The narrative sections require an explanation of accomplishments.

Request for Reimbursement (RFR)
This report must be utilized for all reimbursement requests.  Subgrantees are paid on a cost reimbursement basis.  Your agency is responsible for paying all employees/vendors associated with this project.  Payments will be processed after verifying receipt of all essential backup documentation including proof of payment.  You are welcome to submit as often as necessary.  Please make certain to number and sign each form.

Grant Management Information System (GIMS) Information Sheet
This data collection document captures your agency’s information which is required to process your payments by our Accounting Department, while also supplying vital contact information for GOER personnel.

Employee Hourly Rate with Benefits
Example of Employee Hourly Rate with Benefits
The Employee Hourly Rate is a cross reference/verification and assists our financial staff with tracking personnel and salaries that are being reimbursed by the grant.  This information should be submitted with or prior to the initial reimbursement request and resubmitted thereafter, only when updates occur, i.e., personnel or rate changes.

Personnel Daily Activity Report (DAR) – BSEP
Personnel Daily Activity Report (DAR) – PSSP
This document is to be utilized for each employee being charged to the grant for personnel services and/or overtime.  This form is also to be used for mileage/fuel reimbursement.  Before submitting, please verify that this form has been signed by the appropriate supervisor/manager.

State of Arizona W-9 & Vendor Authorization Form

Closeout Instructions for GOER Subrecipients