Rep. Martha Roby

Rep. Martha Roby


Congressional Twitter account for U.S. Representative Martha Roby (R-AL)

توييت‌ها همه / بدون پاسخ

We must work together toward putting our country on a prosperous, sustainable path and restoring America’s promise as a land of opportunity.

But neither side got what it wanted out of last week’s elections. GOP lost our bid for the WH & Dems failed to regain control of Congress

For two years the House has stood strong as the people’s last line of defense against an overreaching, over-regulating & overspending gov't

At the same time, it would be unwise for the Pres & Senate Dems to insist on harmful small-business tax rate hikes unlikely to pass Congress

There is common ground, and I am eager to work with the Admin & the Senate to find it. Tax reform is one area worth considering...

If there's a mandate it's for leaders to work together to avoid the fiscal cliff in the short term & solve the debt crisis for the long term

Since 1775 Marines have been winning battles and protecting our freedom "from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli."

Where would our country be without the Marine Corps? Today is the 237th birthday of the Marine Corps, and we're as grateful as ever for them

Great day traveling in Greenville and Andalusia. I met with the 8th grade class at Andalusia Middle School this afternoon.

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