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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Lois CappsSee All
    • Congratulations-so pleased to hear this news!
      2 hours ago
    •  Wrapping up a few more races called late last night and today. Congratulations Tulsi Gabbard, Julia Brownley for Congress, Lois Capps, Gloria Negrete McLeod for Congress, and Ann Kirkpatrick on your amazing wins! Click Like to congratulate these women!
      2,2564892 · 4 hours ago
    • Congratulations Lois!! My Auntie Barbara is smiling from Heaven <3
      6 hours ago
    • Miroslava Korenha
      Congratulations Congresswoman! So proud to have you in DC!
      6 hours ago
    • Sandy Schwarer
      Congratulations on your win. We in the 23rd are so fortunate to have you represent us.
      1 · 6 hours ago
  2. I think this photo of President Obama and Governor Christie is a great reminder of how we can put aside our political differences, come together in tough times, and get things done. "Like" if you agree.
    Photo: I think this photo of President Obama and Governor Christie is a great reminder of how we can put aside our political differences, come together in tough times, and get things done. "Like" if you agree.
  3. Central Coast residents looking to help our fellow citizens dealing with the aftermath of Sandy can support Santa Barbara based Direct Relief International's efforts. http://www.facebook.com/directrelief
    We provide medical assistance to improve the lives of people affected by poverty, disaster, and civil unrest at home and throughout the world by shipping essential medicines, supplies and equipment to our partner healthcare providers caring for their communities.
    Page: 7,333 like this
  4. The thoughts and prayers of the Central Coast are with all of our friends and family up and down the East Coast in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.
  5. Happy Birthday to my friend, Secretary Hillary Clinton, a focused diplomat, dedicated public servant, and tireless advocate for women and children at home and around the world.
    Photo: Happy Birthday to my friend, Secretary Hillary Clinton, a focused diplomat, dedicated public servant, and tireless advocate for women and children at home and around the world.
  6. First President Obama and now John Stewart! Last night on the Daily Show, John spoke with two field trained medics, former Staff Sergeant Meg Mitchum and specialist Daniel Hutchinson who talked about the barriers military medics face trans...
    ition to work in the health care field back at home. That is why I co-authored the Veteran Emergency Medical Technician Support Act (H.R. 4124) and support further efforts to break down the barriers between our military medics and civilian health care jobs. Please share this clip with your friends.
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  7. Yet another report detailing how the Ryan Budget would cut Medicaid funding by 37% in California, resulting in nearly 6 million women, children, and seniors losing health insurance. This is a bad deal for California and for the nation.
  8. I am pleased the President discussed the need to remove the artificial barriers that keep our military medics from joining the civilian health care workforce in the debate last night. This is a real problem and exactly why I co-authored the bipartisan Veteran Emergency Medical Technician Support Act (H.R. 4124) and worked to get it passed by the House last month.
  9. Today is the last day to register in California to vote in the November election. Use this online tool if you have any questions about voting or if you need to check your voter registration status. Make sure your voice is heard in November!

  10. I was honored to receive a perfect score from the Human Rights Campaign for my support of equality!
  11. Today, the Energy and Commerce Committee released a new report that demonstrates how Central Coast seniors will be forced to pay higher costs for health care under Republican Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan's Budget proposal to turn Med...
    icare into a voucher program. There are valuable facts and figures in this report, so please take a look and share it with your friends.http://capps.house.gov/sites/capps.house.gov/files/documents/1016Impacts-of-Ryan-Budget-on-Seniors-in-Rep-Capps-District-2012-10-16.pdf
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  12. Last night, in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Domestic Violence Solutions for Santa Barbara County held its 25th annual candlelight vigil in Santa Maria. It’s a reminder to us all that despite progress we’ve made, domestic vi...
    olence is still too common in our society. We must pass a reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act as soon as possible. The Senate passed a strong bipartisan bill but the House leadership refuses to do the same.

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  13. Medicare’s Open Enrollment period begins today, October 15th and runs through December 7th. I encourage all Medicare beneficiaries – and their family members – to review their current health and drug plan coverage for any changes their plan...
    s may be making for 2013 during the open enrollment period. Reviewing the plan will allow Central Coast seniors to ensure that their Medicare plan is the best plan to meet their health care needs. http://medicare.gov/
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  14. Today’s New York Times takes a look at some of the potential risks of reverse mortgages. The new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, set up as part of Wall Street Reform legislation I supported, is currently working to crack down on confu...
    sing products and unscrupulous lenders that take advantage of seniors. This is another example of why I supported the legislation. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/15/business/reverse-mortgages-costing-some-seniors-their-homes.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
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  15. Last week, the Department of Justice and Department of Health and Human Services announced that it’s Medicare fraud strike force has charged 91 individuals with approximately $491 million in false billings to the program. Thanks to the Aff...
    ordable Care Act, the government can suspend payments to these providers until an investigation is resolved. It’s another way that the health care law is protecting Medicare from fraud and abuse, saving tax dollars, and ensuring that it’s there for seniors who depend on it.
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