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11. H.J. Res. 1, FY 2003 continuing appropriations. Motion to recommit the joint resolution to a select committee with instructions to report it back with language that would modify last year’s homeland security legislation to prevent the Homeland Security Department from contracting for services with corporate expatriates and suspend the bill’s liability protections for vaccine makers. No. Failed 192-220. 1/8/03.

16. H.J.Res. 13, FY 2003 continuing appropriations. Motion to recommit the joint resolution to the House Appropriations Committee with instructions to report it back with language to provide a total of $3.5 billion for homeland security grants for first responders and $90 million for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to screen and monitor the long-term health of emergency personnel who responded to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. No. Failed 201-222. 1/28/03.

17. H.J.Res. 2, FY 2003 omnibus appropriations. Motion to instruct House conferees to agree to the highest levels of funding for military veterans’ medical care and for all programs under the jurisdiction of the House Labor-Health and Human Services-Education Appropriations Subcommittee, as well as to insist on full funding to meet the President’s request for homeland security needs. No. Failed 200-209. 1/29/03.

18. H.J.Res. 18, FY 2003 continuing appropriations. Motion to recommit the joint resolution to the House Appropriations Committee with instructions to report it back with language to continue payment rates for physician services under Medicare at FY 2002 levels and increase the base payment amount that hospitals in small urban and rural areas receive through Medicare to the same as that for larger urban hospitals. No. Failed 195-215. 2/5/03.

31. H.J.Res. 2, conference report on the FY 2003 omnibus appropriations. Motion to recommit the conference report with instructions to strike several provisions including permitting leasing studies of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska and adding language to provide additional funding for conservation resource programs and to provide an additional $500 million for state and local “first responders.” No. Failed 193-226. 2/13/03.

32. H.J.Res. 2. To adopt the conference report on the joint resolution to provide $397.4 billion in FY 2003 appropriations for departments and agencies covered in 11 spending bills for the following: Agriculture, Commerce-Justice-State, District of Columbia, Energy and water development, foreign operations, Interior, Labor-HHS-Education, legislative branch, Transportation, Treasury-Postal Service, and VA-HUD; the conference report also provides a 0.65 percent across-the-board cut to numerous programs to offset additional increased funding for education programs, $10 billion for intelligence and military activities, additional $3.1 billion for drought relief, $1.5 billion for state election overhaul programs, and an increase in Medicare payments to physicians by $54 billion over 10 years. Yes. Passed 338-83. 2/13/03.

105. H.R. 1559, FY 2003 Wartime Supplemental Appropriations. Amendment to strike language to provide $1 billion in assistance to Turkey. No. Failed 110-315. 4/3/03.

106. H.R. 1559. Amendment to increase funding for the Office of Domestic Preparedness by $34 million and decrease funding for counter-drug activities in Columbia by $61 million. No. Failed 209-216. 4/3/03.

107. H.R. 1559. Amendment to reduce economic assistance to Turkey by $207 million and redirect the funds to establish a National Guard weapons of mass destruction civil support team. No. Failed 113-312. 4/3/03.

108. H.R. 1559. On passage of the bill to provide $77.9 billion in emergency supplemental appropriations in FY 2003, including $62.5 billion for military operations in Iraq and the war on terrorism, $4.2 billion for homeland security, $3.2 billion for U.S. airlines to cover increased security costs, and $1 billion in aid to Turkey. Yes. Passed 414-12. 4/3/03.

112. H.R. 1559. Motion to instruct House conferees to insist on section 409 in the Senate-passed bill , which would give displaced airline workers another 26 weeks of temporary unemployment benefits. Yes. Passed 265-150. 4/8/03.

458. H.R. 2859, FY 2003 emergency supplemental appropriations. Amendment to offset the bill’s cost by rescinding $983.6 million in unobligated FY 2003 funds for all discretionary spending accounts except for those related to the departments of Defense, Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs. No. Failed 111-300. 7/25/03.

459. H.R. 2859. On passage of the bill to provide $983.6 million in FY 2003 emergency supplemental appropriations for the FEMA disaster relief fund. Yes. Passed 352-60. 7/25/03.

520. H.J.Res. 69, to provide for FY 2004 continuing appropriations through October 31, 2003, for all federal agencies and departments whose FY 2004 spending bills have not been enacted by September 30, 2003. Yes. Passed 407-8. 9/25/03.

546. H.R. 3289, FY 2004 supplemental appropriations for Iraq and Afghanistan. Amendment to require half of all reconstruction aid to Iraq be in the form of loans. No. Failed 200-226. 10/16/03.

547. H.R. 3289. Amendment to transfer $3.6 billion in Iraq reconstruction funds for quality of life enhancements for U.S. armed forces personnel. No. Failed 209-216. 10/16/03.

548. H.R. 3289. Amendment to reduce Iraq reconstruction funds in the bill by $250 million. No. Failed 197-224. 10/16/03.

549. H.R. 3289. Amendment to eliminate a bill provision to allow non-competitive contracts to be reported to Congress seven days after the contract has been awarded in certain circumstances and require executive agencies to inform Congress of “no-bid” contracts before they are offered. Yes. Passed 405-20. 10/16/03.

550. H.R. 3289. Amendment to strike several provisions in the bill to allow the transfer of money between accounts at the discretion of the Defense secretary. No. Failed 146-279. 10/16/03.

551. H.R. 3289. Amendment to eliminate $900 million provided for the importation of petroleum products into Iraq. No. Failed 169-256. 10/16/03.

552. H.R. 3289. Amendment to delete language which authorizes funds for military construction projects related to the global war on terrorism and in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. No. Failed 128-295. 10/16/03.

553. H.R. 3289. Amendment to reduce reconstruction funds in the bill for Iraq by 50 percent. No. Failed 156-267. 10/17/03.

554. H.R. 3289. Amendment to increase the basic rate of pay to all military services by $265 million – the amount needed to provide a $1,500 bonus to each person serving in operations in Iraq or Afghanistan for FY 2004 and offset the cost by cutting funds for Iraq relief and reconstruction. No. Failed 213-213. 10/17/03.

555. H.R. 3289. Amendment to transfer $5 million from the Intelligence Community Management Account's general funding to its account for programs and scholarships to increase language proficiency and workforce diversity in the intelligence community. No. Failed 206-221. 10/17/03.

556. H.R. 3289. Amendment to provide $300 million for use by Afghan women's programs, including $10 million for the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission and $24 million for the Ministry of Women's Affairs. No. Failed 156-271. 10/17/03.

557. H.R. 3289. Amendment to require normal competitive bidding procedures for all government contracts relating to Iraq’s oil infrastructure. No. Passed 248-179. 10/17/03.

558. H.R. 3289. Amendment to prohibit funds in the bill from being used for Ex-Im Bank programs or other loans for Saudi Arabia or any nation on the State Department’s list of terrorist states. No. Failed 193-233. 10/17/03.

561. H.R. 3289. Motion to recommit the bill to the Appropriations Committee with instructions to report it back with language to require that half of reconstruction aid to Iraq be in the form of loans. No. Failed 191-235. 10/17/03.

562. H.R. 3289. On passage of the bill to provide $87 billion in FY 2004 emergency supplemental appropriations for military operations and reconstruction in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yes. Passed 303-125. 10/17/03.

567. H.R. 3289. Motion to instruct House conferees to insist on provisions in the Senate bill that would make $10 billion of the $20.3 billion in reconstruction aid to Iraq in the form of loans subject to certain conditions; provide $1.3 billion for veterans’ health care, and provide medical screenings prior to deployment and extend transitional health care from 60 to 180 days for members of the Reserves. No. Passed 277-139. 10/21/03.

568. H.J.Res. 73, to provide for FY 2004 continuing appropriations through November 7, 2003, for federal departments and agencies covered by FY 2004 appropriations which have not as yet been enacted. Yes. Passed 397-19. 10/21/03.

583. H.J.Res. 75, to provide for FY 2004 continuing appropriations through November 7 for federal departments and agencies whose FY 2004 appropriations bills have not been enacted. Yes. Passed 406-13. 10/30/03.

600. H.R. 3289. Motion to recommit the conference report on the bill to the conference committee with instructions to report it back with provisions to put half of the reconstruction funds for Iraq in the form of loans and provide an additional $1.3 billion for veterans’ health care. No. Failed 198-221. 10/30/03.

601. H.R. 3289. To adopt the conference report on the bill to provide $87 billion in FY 2004 emergency supplemental appropriations for military operations and reconstruction in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yes. Passed 298-121. 10/30/03.

605. H.J.Res. 76, to provide continuing FY 2004 appropriations through November 21 for all federal departments and agencies whose FY 2004 appropriations bills have not been enacted. Yes. Passed 418-5. 11/5/03.

648. H.J.Res. 78, to provide further FY 2004 continuing appropriations through November 23, 2003, for all federal departments and agencies whose FY 2004 appropriations bills have not been enacted. Yes. Passed 410-10. 11/20/03.

664. H.J.Res. 79, to provide for FY 2004 continuing appropriations through January 31, 2004, for all federal departments and agencies whose FY 2004 appropriations bills have not been enacted. Yes. Passed 407-16. 11/21/03.

676. H.R. 2673. To adopt the conference report to the bill to provide $820 billion in FY 2004 appropriations including $328.1 billion in discretionary spending for all federal departments and agencies whose regular FY 2004 appropriations have not been enacted including the following: $16.9 billion for the Agriculture Department and related agencies; $38.4 billion for the Commerce, Justice and State departments and related agencies and judicial agencies; $545 million for the District of Columbia; $17.3 billion for foreign aid and export assistance; $140.1 billion for the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education departments; $27.5 billion for the Transportation and Treasury departments and related independent agencies, and $91 billion for the Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development departments. Yes. Passed 242-176. 12/8/03.