Dan Benishek

Dan Benishek


Sworn in Jan 5, 2011. I represent the people of MI-01. Currently serving on Committee on Nat. Resources and Veteran Affairs. Read! Repeal! Replace! Reform!

Crystal Falls, MI · http://benishek.house.gov

“I believe doctors & patients in N. Michigan want this country to remain on the cutting edge of medical innovation" -

How did you spend your Memorial Day wknd? If you took part in any of the events that we posted on my Facebook, let us know how they were.

I encourage those who are in the area to use the phone numbers listed on my website if you or someone you know needs assistance

I'm very grateful for the hard work of our first responders, conservation officers & all those who are working to put out the fire

Emergency care was restored in Cheboygan. Great first step! I'm committed to bettering MI-01 and local access to health care

Congrats to the student teams from the will participate in the nat'l bridge competition on 5/18 in Traverse City -

Zdá se, že načítání trvá déle.

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