Rep. Larry Kissell

Rep. Larry Kissell


Proudly representing the people of North Carolina's Eighth District. Sign up for my weekly newsletter at

NC-08 ·

The void of those lost on 9/11 and each day since weighs heavy on our hearts. Blessed, we remain united, one nation under God.

A heartfelt thank you to all who serve and those who have sacrificed so much, keeping our nation free for 236 years. Happy Independence Day!

They sacrifice each and every day to ensure that our flag flies freely across our great nation. Happy Birthday and Happy Flag Day!

Today we remember all who made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of our freedom. We must honor them, today & always. God bless our heroes.

The pipeline will bring us closer to energy independence & create good jobs in the US. Washington must end the political games.

Just got called to votes, but thank you and for continued investment in rural NC. Important public/priv partnership.

Thank you Dr. Hector Henry for helping me serve Sundrop at Cabarrus Boys and Girls Club Pancake Day. Wonderful cause!

U.S. Representative Larry Kissell (NC-8) speaks to Communities In Schools students at Carver Middle School.

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