Speaker John Boehner

Speaker John Boehner


Official Twitter account for U.S. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH)

Washington, DC · http://Speaker.gov

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. says Weekly GOP Address calls for "closing tax loopholes, lowering rates, & fixing entitlement programs"

ObamaCare is law of the land, but it is raising costs & threatening jobs. Our goal has been, and will remain, .

GOP is willing to talk about new revenue via tax reform IF linked to responsible entitlement reform & spending cuts

If there is a mandate, it's for both parties to work together to stop w/o raising tax rates, grow economy

There's no mandate for raising tax rates & doing so would destroy jobs. Need pro-growth tax & entitlement reform

Bipartisan Tax Reform Act of 1986 is a model for how to fix the tax code to strengthen our economy, address our debt

Shoring up entitlements and reforming the tax code will bring home and result in a stronger economy.

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