Speaker Boehner: 2013 Should Be the Year We Begin to Solve Our Debt Through Tax & Entitlement Reform

WASHINGTON, DC – At a press conference today, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) said averting the fiscal cliff without raising tax rates is the responsible path forward, and that 2013 should be the year Washington begins “to solve our debt through tax reform and entitlement reform.” You can watch Boehner above and read several key excerpts of his remarks below:

Boehner: We Need to Avert Fiscal Cliff Without Raising Tax Rates:

“On Wednesday, I outlined a responsible path forward to avert the fiscal cliff without raising tax rates. About 24 hours after I spoke, the Congressional Budget Office released a report showing that the most harmful consequences of the fiscal cliff come from increasing tax rates. According to Ernst & Young, raising the top rates would destroy nearly 700,000 jobs in our country.”

Boehner: House Took Action to Avert Fiscal Cliff, Replaced ‘Sequester,’ Paved Way for Tax & Entitlement Reform:

“The members of our majority understand how important it is to avert the fiscal cliff. That’s why the House took action earlier this year to replace the ‘sequester’ with other types of cuts. And it’s also why over the summer we passed a bill to extend all the current tax rates for one year so that we had time to overhaul our tax code. And it is why I outlined a responsible path forward, where we can replace the spending cuts and extend the current rates, paving the way for entitlement reform as well as tax reform with lower tax rates.”

Boehner: Pro-Growth Tax & Entitlement Reform Will Grow Economy, Bring Jobs Home:

“2013 should be the year we begin to solve our debt through tax reform and entitlement reform. I'm proposing that we avert the fiscal cliff together in a manner that ensures that 2013 is finally the year that our government comes to grips with the major problems that are facing us. This will bring jobs home, result in a stronger, healthier economy. And a stronger, healthier economy means more Americans working and more revenues – which is what the president is seeking.”

Boehner: This Is An Opportunity for the President to Lead:

“This framework can lead to common ground, and I hope the president will respond today in that same spirit. As I said on Wednesday, this is an opportunity for the president to lead. This is his moment to engage the Congress and work towards a solution that can pass both chambers. Earlier this week, the president and I had a short conversation.  It was cordial. I think we both understand that trying to find a way to avert the fiscal cliff is important for our country. And I’m hopeful that productive discussions can begin soon so that we can forge an agreement that can pass the Congress.”

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