Speaker Boehner Responds to President Obama’s Fiscal Cliff Statement

WASHINGTON, DC - House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) today issued the following statement accepting the president’s invitation for leaders of both parties to meet at the White House next week for discussions regarding the “fiscal cliff” that looms at the start of the new year:

“The year 2013 should be the year we begin to solve our country’s debt problem through entitlement reform and a new tax code with fewer loopholes and lower rates.  The president has an historic opportunity to lead both parties in forging an agreement that averts the fiscal cliff in a manner that ensures 2013 will be that year.   

“The increased tax rates that would be allowed under the Senate-passed bill are part of the fiscal cliff that economists are warning us to avoid.  Those increased tax rates will destroy jobs in America by hurting small businesses across the country.  Republicans are eager to get to work on an agreement that averts the entire fiscal cliff.  The House has passed legislation to accomplish this vital goal.  We look forward to joining the president next week and working to forge an agreement that will do the same."

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