Hal Rogers

Kentucky's 5th District


Serving Kentucky’s 5th Congressional District since 1981, Hal Rogers is currently in his 15th term representing the people of southern and eastern Kentucky. Rogers is the longest serving Kentucky Republican ever elected to federal office. With a focus on economic development, job creation, fighting illegal drug use and preserving the natural treasures of Appalachia, Rogers has a reputation of listening to his constituents and fighting for the interests of the region he represents. Nationally, his focus is on homeland security and keeping America safe.

Born in rural Kentucky and representing one of the poorest Congressional Districts in the nation- Rogers works tirelessly to bring jobs, better education, and greater opportunities to the hard working families living in his district. His vision for a stronger Appalachia spurred some of the greatest success stories in southern and eastern Kentucky. Organizations such as PRIDE, Operation UNITE, and TOUR SEKY have brought local communities together by taking care of the environment, providing hope in the fight against drugs, and creating jobs by increasing tourism in one of the most beautiful regions of the country.

Appointed to the powerful Appropriations Committee in 1983, Rogers is known for his tough oversight, and tenacity in holding federal agencies and Departments accountable for their wasteful spending and excessive growth. During his time on the Committee, Rogers has served on eight different subcommittees, including Chairman or Ranking Member of three. In January 2003, he was selected to serve as the first chairman of the Subcommittee on Homeland Security, and because of his strong leadership, he currently is serving a rare and historical 4th term as the top Republican on this committee. In this role, Rogers repeatedly fights to ensure that first responders have the resources they need so that America is better protected and prepared in the event of a disaster. Rogers has also led the fight against illegal immigration, helping to steer resources for construction of the border fence, hiring of additional border patrol agents, and assistance to States and localities to help enforce immigration laws.

Whether Rogers is on Capitol Hill fighting to secure the borders, implementing stronger Congressional oversight for homeland security, and ensuring that taxpayer money is being used appropriately, or whether he is home in southern and eastern Kentucky working to make a difference in the lives of the individuals he represents, Rogers remains committed to being a strong voice in Congress for fiscal responsibility, economic development and national security.
Contact Information
DC Office 2406 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone (202) 225-4601
Fax (202) 225-0940
Website halrogers.house.gov
Committee Assignments
Appropriations (Chairman)