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82nd Combat Aviation Brigade changes command

Story by Sgt. April de Armas | 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade | Date: 12.13.2012

Col. T.J. Jamison, the 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade commander, relinquished command to Col. Michael Musiol during a ceremony on Fort Bragg, Dec. 13. Jamison has commanded the Pegasus Brigade since August 2010,... Read More

Pegasus families live up to Army Family icon

Story by Staff Sgt. April Campbell | 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade | Date: 12.07.2012

Apart, the two words ‘army’ and ‘family’ generate strikingly different images. One implies regimented discipline and order; the other brings to mind love and compassion. For U.S. Army soldiers and their... Read More

82nd Combat Aviation Brigade pilots killed in eastern Afghanistan

Story by Sgt. 1st Class Eric Pahon | 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade | Date: 09.05.2012

Two pilots from the 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, died Sept. 5 when their OH-58D Kiowa Warrior went down in Logar province, Afghanistan. Read More

The best soldiers for the worst days: FOB Shank medevac crews save lives day and night

Story by Sgt. 1st Class Eric Pahon | 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade | Date: 07.16.2012

They’re the crew no one wants to see take off. Read More

Why we serve: Staff Sgt. John Tune; Newbern, N.C. serves for his soldiers

Story by Sgt. 1st Class Eric Pahon | 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade | Date: 06.26.2012

Staff Sgt. John Tune, of Newbern, N.C., joined the Army long before 9/11 changed our world, creating a generation of young Americans joining the military for entirely new reasons. Read More