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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Manager Tries to Keep Responders Safe
North Atlantic District Safety Manager Johnathan Foster is busy ensuring Corps Employees/Contractors remain safe as they help the largest city in the U.S. and surrounding areas...
Hurricane Sandy Recovery Safety
North Atlantic Division Safety manager discusses safety for the responders who are supporting the recovery efforts for Hurricane Sandy. Also available in high definition
Corps Assists Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is working with the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission to pump out water from the facility which was inundated with water during Hurricane Sandy....
Brooklyn Battery Tunnel Work Continues
Soldiers from the 249th Prime Power Battalion perform a site inspection with employees from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine the best way to connect generator power to...

Confined dewatering
Coast Guardsmen with the Deployable Operations Group hook up additional pumps at the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel ventilation facility on Governor’s Island. The groups is assisting...
Electrical inspection
Sgt. Christopher Handley with the 249th Prime Power Battalion, Bravo Company, (center) inspects the an electric panel at the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel ventilation facility on...

News News Stories

District one step closer to being accepted into OSHA program
The Voluntary Protection Program uses performance-based criteria and requires extensive documentation in order to be in compliance. The program uses different models and tools to try and identify problematic areas so...
Benefits of dam removal reach further than expected
In an area roughly 73 to 93 miles upstream from where Embrey Dam once stood on the Rappahannock River, researchers with the U.S. Geological Survey noticed resurgence in the American eel population in their...

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