Ken Calvert

California's 44th District

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  • Unemplymnt = 7.8%. We can do better. Dem ctrl'd Senate has not moved 39 biprtsn #jobs bills passed by @gopconference
  • If #jobs report included those who stopped looking for work since #Obama took office, unemployment would exceed 11%.
  • Unemployment has been terrible for so long that #Obama thinks awful looks good. #jobs
  • Obama is entitled to a plane but not to facts. Facts are, US has seen #jobs and incomes shrink since he was elected.
  • @MittRomney said it right. Pres Obama spent 2 years fighting for #ObamaCare when he should have been fighting for American #Jobs. #debate
  • There’s no #debate. According to a @CNN poll, 67% of voters agree @MittRomney was last night’s clear winner.
  • Congrats to @UCRiverside on medical school accreditation! Full statement here:
  • FY2013 has begun, if we follow Obama’s plan, everyone will experience tax increase on Jan 1, 2013. Time for a new plan
  • Did Libyan diplomats ask for more security before the 9/11/12 attack? WH isn’t saying…
  • Words I never thought I’d say, Joe Biden is right! Declares middle-class has been buried last 4 years…I agree.
  • At counter-IED hrg I asked the question: what the hell are we doing about Pakistan providing fertilizer used in IEDs?
  • What has 4 yrs of Obama’s policies gotten us? CBO says we are on edge of another recession, 9% unemployment in 2013.
  • House passed bill 2 stop tax hike scheduled 4 Jan 1, 2013. Pres needs 2stop threatening tax increases on fragile econ
  • Unemployment goes to 8.3% in July. 42 months of over 8%. What Obama is doing is NOT working. Time for a change.
  • Press says 2 small biz owners, “You didn’t build that” Starting a small biz involves huge risk & Obama wants to take the reward #OutofTouch
  • Obama says success of small biz is collective achievement b/c of gov’t. As a former small biz owner, I succeeded DESPITE, not b/c of, gov’t
  • ObamaCare = one of the biggest tax increases on American people in history. What happened to “it’s not a tax?” #ObamaTax
  • ObamaCare is unprecedented intrusion of fed gov’t into free mkt & indiv freedom. What’s next on Obama Agenda? Let’s not find out.
  • My stmnt on ObamaCare ruling here: SCOTUS ruled 6/28/12, American people will rule 11/6/12
  • @NRO "Admin’s real beef w/ AZ isn’t that it contradicts federal law so much as that it contradicts its own choice 2 ignore federal law...”
  • SCOTUS unanimously upholds core of AZ law. AZ is stepping up where fed gov’t has failed. Now, more than ever, we need mandatory E-Verify.
  • The House will vote to stop all tax hikes which would devastate a weak economy and put more Americans out of work. #stopthetaxhike
  • Obama’s executive amnesty undermines Rule of Law. We cannot set aside some laws for some people, there must be equal treatment under the law
  • @WSJ “Leaderless World,” “substitute 4U.S. leadership is not new era of U.N.-admin'd peace. It is vacuum filled by world's nastiest actors"
  • Happy Birthday @USArmy! 237 years of Army Values: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage.
  • Unemployment increased in May, will Obama take any responsibility or will blame game continue? #FailureofLeadership
  • House Budget passed, w/ my support, legislation called Reconciliation that would prevent devastating sequester cuts
  • GDP drops to dismal 2.2%. Obama’s European vision for our economy is not working. It’s time for a new vision that doesn’t glorify big govt.
  • Thanks 2 vocal outrage, Obama wisely backtracks on new intrusive DOL rules 4family farms. Another example of Obama overreach. #biggovernment
  • Supreme Court taking up AZ imm law. No doubt fed gov’t responsible 4 immigration, but what if fed gov’t fails 2 perform duties? We shall see
  • @GlennHubbard makes the case that Obama’s Buffett Rule is really just a gateway for middle class #tax increases.
  • Great news 4 IE & OC residents: fed gov’t approved loan 2 complete 91 fwy project. Less time on roads = more time home
  • Tomorrow House will vote on 20% tax cut for small businesses. Our job creators need Obama’s big gov’t to get out of the way! #smallbiz
  • Under Obama U.S. debt has increased an astronomical $5 TRILLION. We cannot sustain Obama’s levels of spending. #GOPBudget
  • Senate once again punts on considering a budget after prev saying they would hold a vote. Disappointing & discouraging
  • Every reason Obama has given 4 Buffett Rule has been shot down – no impact on deficits, no econ growth & does not make tax code more “fair”
  • I watched as Space Shuttle Discovery took its final flight from FL 2 DC. It will be on display @ Smithsonian Museum. Godspeed #Discovery!
  • Obama’s “Buffett Rule” would raise $47B over 10 yrs. Obama spent 16 TIMES that amt in 1st few months of Presidency (failed $787B stimulus).
  • Tax day fact: “Since Mr. Obama took office, the avg American has had to devote an extra week 2 working for the gov't.”
  • @Krauthammer’s take on Obama’s convo w/ Medvedev; Obama’s concessions are “...enough to chill friends & allies, democrats & dissidents...”
  • Doing the People’s work: House GOP passed transpo bill, jobs bill and FY13 budget.
  • Finally bipartisanship in Washington: Dems and Repubs soundly reject President’s disastrous FY13 #budget 414-0.
  • @WSJ “If we want a strong America in a dangerous's time to choose the direction that Mr. Ryan is charting.” #GOPBudget
  • @WSJ “The Court has always balanced federal and state power by distinguishing between pressure and coercion. ObamaCare crosses that line”
  • A visual presentation of the #GOPBudget. A choice of two futures: unending debt vs. fiscal balance and prosperity.
  • @AEI “…when it comes to nat'l security & America’s role in the world, they are the party [GOP] to be trusted.” #GOPBudget puts nat'l sec 1st
  • Supreme Court is starting to hear arguments re: Constitutionality of Obamacare. Can gov’t mandate purchase of something? #Unconstitutional
  • If Obama gets “flexibility” from reelection, he will cave 2 Russia on missile defense, as Iran continues nuke ambition
  • The GOP budget saves more than even what was agreed to in the Budget Control Act. The times of reckless spending are over. #GOPBudget
  • I am currently at the Budget Comm mark up of the GOP Budget. Our budget makes the hard choices the Pres refuses 2 make. #FailureofLeadership
  • @WSJ on GOP Budget: “The country wants leaders who are willing to risk their popularity to address America's serious problems” #GOPBudget
  • Repealing ObamaCare 1 bad provision @ a time.House subcomm passed bill 2 repeal Independent Pmt Advsry Board, House will vote soon.
  • Today, the House votes on the bipartisan #JOBSAct to help #smallbiz #startups grow & create #jobs #4job
  • Read my op-ed on why #Romney is right on mandatory E-Verify:
  • March is Women’s History Month, learn more about the contributions women have made to our great nation here:
  • Budget hrg on Defense today. If sequestration happens as planned, defense spending will be LESS then interest on debt in 2018. Unacceptable
  • House to vote 4 H20 sanity in CA: capping amt dumped into SF Bay 4 sake of fish, @ expense of farmers #PeopleOverFish
  • @NRO “The only thing bipartisan about Obamacare is its growing chorus of critics"
  • I participated in Budget hrg on strengthening health & retirement security; must fix our entitlement progs 2 ensure solvency#ObamaBudgetFail
  • Obama wants to have it both ways on Keystone: wants 2 hide anti-jobs agenda while appeasing extreme enviros in party.
  • @WashTimes “Over past 3 yrs, Obama EPA conducted a scorched earth campaign against fossil fuel producers & users..."
  • Some good news for the housing market: existing home sales rise 4.3%.
  • Today the House will pass, with my support, an extension of the Payroll Tax Cut for the rest of 2012. #Bipartisanship
  • @WSJ “Despite record of picking losers …Obama appears determined 2continue pushing his brew of... tax breaks 4 companies he deems worthy.”
  • Was @ Budget Comm questioning OMB Director on Obama’s budget which, if enacted, would lead U.S. down a dismal econ path. #ObamaBudgetFail
  • @WashingtonPost “White House…playing… dodgeball: evading anything resembling a serious budget proposal.” #ObamaBudgetFail
  • Obama’s budget spends, borrows, & taxes too much. Spends $47T over 10 yrs, $1.9T in new taxes, $11T added to debt. #ObamaBudgetFail
  • @WSJ round-up of all tax increases in Obama’s #budget. His budget would further devastate economic growth. Read more:
  • Is Obama serious about deficit spending, tax reform & ensuring entitlements remain solvent? Or will class warfare continue? #FY13Budget
  • @Krauthammer “The Gospel of Obama.” Obama reinterprets the Bible for us as well as redefines “religious institutions”
  • @SenMcConnell “not in this mess b/c of tsunami in Japan or debt crisis in Europe, in it b/c[Obama] got everything he wanted for 2long yrs.”
  • The WH has overstepped its bounds by requiring religious schools & hospitals to provide free contraception/birth control. #ReligiousFreedom
  • @WSJ on Senate failure to pass #budget. “At least Democrats are conceding that they're unwilling even to suggest solutions of their own.”
  • 1010 days since Senate passed a budget and Dem Ldr Reid says he has no intention of passing a budget this year. #FailureofLeadership
  • @RepJerryLewis and I are working with gov’t officials to get Ontario airport back to full capacity service.
  • Good employment news, hiring accelerated in Jan. Let’s keep this trend going & continue to foster pvt sector growth
  • Our friends @RCTC & @SANBAGnews announce Inland Empire traffic app for iPhone and Android. Search IE511.
  • Obama's "new" housing relief plan simply revamps failed programs, incrs the fed gov't presence in this sector & comes @ cost 2 U.S. taxpayer
  • @WSJ op-ed “Pres Reagan's policies ignited recovery so powerful...if repeated today, real per capita GDP w/b $5,694 higher than it is now.”
  • @WSJ “Obama's 4 years have seen the four highest deficits since 1946.” Deficits & economic recession = #ObamaLegacy
  • New threats are on the horizon: Iran may launch terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. This is exactly why we cannot indiscriminately cut defense.
  • The Case for Keystone Pipeline continues, @WSJ op-ed on how the Pipeline would incr U.S. refiners access to global mkts
  • Today the House will vote once again to freeze pay for Members of Congress & non-military federal employees. It’s the right thing to do.
  • House GOP budget 2 b based on last year’s Budget which addressed entitlements & reduced spending. Still waiting (1000+ days) 4 Senate budget
  • Hope remains for Keystone Pipeline, and the 20K #jobs associated with it: House GOP will attach it to the highway bill
  • We r back 2 pre-recession levels of goods & svcs but haven’t experienced usual growth spurt after, why not? @WSJ
  • #1 job of gov't is nat'l defense & DoD has taken its share of cuts. Must address real problem: entitlement reform
  • U.S. Navy Seal raid in Somalia once again shows that our military, & Special Forces, r best fighting force in world. God Bless our troops.
  • Obama talked big on domestic NRG production yet he rejected Keystone which = more oil independence from ME & 20K jobs. #RunningfromRecord
  • #SOTU was underwhelming: interesting what wasn’t mentioned – our massive DEBT and his one “success” ObamaCare. #RunningfromRecord
  • House bid sad farewell 2 colleague Rep. Giffords. No doubt she will recover & be stronger than ever. God Bless/Best Wishes 2 Gabby & Mark.
  • If Pres wants #jobs for Americans, he should check out AL where E-Verify is now mandatory. Unemployment dropped .6% in one month
  • Many failed promises, in 09 #SOTU Pres promised to cut deficit in ½ by end of 1st term. Reality: Pres has run up largest deficits in history
  • President’s #SOTU will again focus on jobs/economy…as it did in 09, 10 & 11. His speeches are good, his policies r not.
  • Today marks 1,000 days without a #budget from Dem-controlled Senate. #FailureofLeadership
  • We are sad to hear the news of @RepGiffords retirement; she will be missed and we wish her continued success in her recovery
  • @WSJ breaks down Gov. Brown’s millionaire tax fallacy: projects increased rev from higher taxes based on stock & real estate bubbles
  • On Keystone Pipeline, Las Vegas Review Journal says “The President Has Made A Cynical Political Calculation”
  • DC Silly season: Dems deny 1700mi Keystone project would create 20K jobs but 1.7mi subway ext would create 43k jobs?
  • @WashTimes “...Obama continues to demonstrate that he has no idea how real jobs are created or how the economy works”