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photo of Mike Capuano Michael E. Capuano representing the 8th district of Massachusetts in the U.S. House of Representatives Go to the House of Representatives homepage
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News Items by Topic

Here you will find press releases, floor statements, articles and opinion pieces organized by topic.

Inquiries from press officials should be directed to Press Secretary Alison Mills at 617-621-6208.

Foreign Affairs

Health Care/Seniors
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Rights and Liberties

Law Enforcement/Safety
Social Services


Rep. Capuano and Sen. Menendez Announce Filing of Shareholder Protection Act
Statement on Committee Passage of the Shareholder Protection Act
Statement on the passage of the Conference Report on the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
Op-Ed: Elections not for sale
Capuano and Cleaver: Municipal Bonds to be Rated with Fairness
Letter to President Obama regarding use of TARP funds
Capuano Praises Obama Announcement on Using TARP to Create Jobs
Capuano Introduces Legislation in Response to Supreme Court Citizens United Ruling
Capuano Urges Administration to Stop TARP Recipients from Paying Out Big Bonuses
Capuano Renews Call for Job Creation with TARP Funds
Capuano Joins Patrick Kennedy and Jim Langevin in Calling For Credit Card Reform
Capuano Calls on President Obama to Create Jobs with TARP Funds
House Committee Holds Hearing on Congressman Capuano's Hedge Fund Bill
Capuano, Castle Bill Would Improve Oversight of Hedge Funds
Capuano Provisions Included in TARP Accountability Act
Statement on the Future of Financial Services Regulation
Congressman Mike Capuano Holds Economic Roundtable
Capuano Raises Concerns about the Fed's Recent Actions to Stabilize Financial Markets
Co-Chairs of the Congressional Caucus on Sudan Statement Regarding PetroChina IPO
Terrorism Risk Insurance Extension Introduced in the House
Statement on Republican-Sponsored Bill H.R. 4241: the Deficit Reduction Act
Federal Transportation Funding for Mass., to Increase 25 Percent to $5.23 Billion
$5.1 Billion in Federal Transportation Funding Coming to Massachusetts
Capuano, Colleagues Seek Extension of Terrorism Risk Insurance Program
Bush Budget Cuts Will Devastate Affordable Housing in Bay State
Somerville Awaits $5 Million in Project Funding
Cambridge Awaits $2+ Million in Project Funding
"A Long Line of Broken Promises" from Bank of America
Terrorism Insurance Bill Containing Key Capuano Amendment Passes Financial Services Committee
Capuano Introduces Bill to Extend Terrorism Insurance
Capuano Introduces Legislation to Streamline the Visas Mantis Program
Massachusetts Delegation Calls on HUD to Fund Section 8 the Way Congress Intended
Capuano Announces $4.8 Billion in Federal Transportation Funding for Massachusetts
State Transportation Gridlock Threatens Economic Future
Capuano Calls on Bush and SBA to Assist Businesses Impacted by SARS
Capuano Blasts Republican Tax Plan
Capuano Introduces Empowerment Zone Flexibility Legislation
Capuano Announces $30 Million for Empowerment Zones; $2 Million for Boston EZ
Statement Regarding Possible Take-Over of FleetBoston Financial Corp
Capuano Attaches Public Representation Amendment to H.R. 3763
Capuano Introduces Empowerment Zone Flexibility Legislation
Capuano Voices Concerns as Republican Budget Passes House
Capuano Files Bill to Provide Refundable Military Tax Credit
Capuano Questions Bush Budget Priorities
Capuano Named to House Budget Committee
Capuano Offers Fiscally Responsible Alternative to Republican Social Security Tax Plan
Capuano Testifies in Support of Empowerment Zones
Statement: Why I Oppose Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China
Capuano Amendments Pass House Banking Committee
Capuano Testifies Against Fleet Bank/BankBoston Merger
Capuano Sponsors Legislation Protecting Consumers from Credit Card Abuses
Capuano Participates in Boston Private Industry Council's "Job Shadow Day"
Capuano Announces Sponsorship of First Pieces of Legislation

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Statement on Republican-Sponsored Bill H.R. 4241: the Deficit Reduction Act
Capuano Introduces Legislation to Teach Children about Safety
Paying for an Undergraduate Education: Capuano Hosts Forum
Capuano Introduces Legislation to Streamline the Visas Mantis Program
Somerville Names Early Childhood Center in Honor of Capuano
Capuano Secures Technology Money for Roxbury Community College
Capuano, Kennedy and Kerry Secure Funding for Local Projects
Capuano, Kennedy and Kerry Secure Funding for Projects to Help Local Youth and Families
No Child Left Behind? Check The Math
Capuano Hosts Service Academy Seminar
Capuano Hosts Service Academy Seminar
Capuano Tours Cambridge Schools to Celebrate National Teacher Appreciation Week

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Capuano Calls For Independent Oversight for B.U. Biolab
Statement Regarding the Dangers of Mercury Pollution
Capuano Probes Selection of Minute Man Park as "Endangered Place"
Capuano Receives High Marks From the League of Conservation Voters
Capuano and Frank Announce Progress on Muddy River Funding
Capuano Announces National Park Service Partnership to Protect Mystic River Watershed
Capuano, Kennedy and Kerry Hail $500,000 for Environmental Cleanups in Somerville
Capuano Hosts Symposium on Environmental Justice

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Sudan Caucus Co-Chairs Call for Release of Rudwan Dawod
Rep. Mike Capuano statement on the First Anniversary of South Sudan’s Independence
Sudan Caucus Statement on Refugee Camp Bombing
Mass. Congressional Delegation Members Urge Expedited Processing of Already Approved Haitian Immigration Petitions
Statement Regarding the Death of Gadhafi
Statement on South Sudan Independence
Congressmen Payne And Capuano Deplore Recent Violence In Abyei Statement on Southern Sudan's Referendum to Create Own Country
House Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Sudan Divestment
Resolution on the Importance of Sudan's Comprehensive Peace Agreement Passes in the House
Government Accountability Office (GAO) Releases Report on Sudan Divestment
Congressman Capuano Travels to Haiti
Statement on Sudan: the Fifth Anniversary of the Signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement
New White House Policy on Sudan
Capuano Praises President Obama's Appointment of Envoy to Sudan
Capuano, Markey Meet with House Speaker, President to Discuss Afghanistan
Statement Regarding the Indictment of Sudan President Omar al Bashir
Capuano Calls for Additional Helicopters to Support Peacekeeping Efforts in Darfur
Capuano Files Resolution Calling on President Bush to Boycott Olympics Opening Ceremony Due to China's Inaction on Darfur
Rep. Mike Capuano Urges China to Take Greater Action on Darfur
Statement of Mike Capuano on General Petraeus' Report and the War in Iraq
Co-Chairs of the Congressional Caucus on Sudan Statement Regarding PetroChina IPO
Capuano's Statement on Iraq and H.R. 1591: the Iraq Accountability Act of 2007
Capuano Calls on President Bush to Appoint Special Envoy to Sudan
Capuano Works to Increase Funding for Darfur Peacekeeping
A message from Congressman Capuano regarding H. Res. 543 and the war in Iraq
Statement From Congressman Capuano on the Save Darfur National Rally to Stop Genocide
Congressman Mike Capuano to Speak at the Save Darfur National Rally to Stop Genocide
Statement Regarding the Passage of H.R. 3127: the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act
Capuano Seeks More Funding for Darfur Peacekeeping in Appropriations Bill Amendment
Op-ed by Rep. Michael E. Capuano: U.S. must work to halt Darfur genocide
Statement of Congressman Mike Capuano After Meeting With UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and Ambassador John Bolton About the Genocide in Darfur
Congressman Capuano Travels to Africa, Stops in Khartoum, Darfur
Congressman Capuano Questions U.S. Policy in Sudan
Op-ed in Boston Herald: No vote for open-ended involvement in Iraq
Congressman Mike Capuano Establishes Bi-Partisan Congressional Caucus on Sudan
Congressman Mike Capuano Returns From Visit to Iraq
Capuano Calls on Pension Boards to Divest From Sudan
Capuano Visits Middle East
1,000th Day of Detention for Prisoner of Conscience in China
Capuano Introduces Legislation to Streamline the Visas Mantis Program
House Floor Remarks Addressing Supplemental Appropriations Bill for Iraq
Capuano Resolution Condemning Slavery in Sudan Passes in House
Capuano Resolution Condemning Slavery in Sudan Passes in Committee
Capuano Condemns Chinese Government For Treatment of Dr. Yang Jianli
Capuano Resolution Condemning Slavery in Sudan Passes in Subcommittee
Statement Regarding War in Iraq
Capuano Files Resolution Condemning Slavery in Sudan
Statement Regarding War with Iraq
Capuano Returns from Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan
Capuano Travels to Afghanistan and Middle East; Will Meet US Troops
Capuano Establishes Congressional Caucus on Korea
Statement: Why I opposed the Iraq Resolution
House Floor Remarks Addressing the Iraq Resolution
Capuano Listens to Constituents About Iraq
Capuano Listens to Constituents About Iraq
Capuano and Neal Honor Irish Hunger Strikers
Statement: Why I Oppose Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China
Capuano Condemns Violence in East Timor
Capuano Amendment Creating International Rape Counseling Program Passes House
Capuano Urges President to Assist Kosovar Rape Victims

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Rep. Capuano statement on Supreme Court decision upholding Affordable Care Act
Statement from Congressman Mike Capuano on the Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act
MA AFL-CIO Thanks Congressman Capuano for Standing up for Health Care Act
Statement on the Affordable Health Care for America Act
Capuano Introduces Legislation to Expand Protection for "Look-Alike" Health Centers
Capuano Introduces Legislation to Help Severely Disabled Federal Employees
Statement on Republican-Sponsored Bill H.R. 4241: the Deficit Reduction Act
Capuano Files Bill to help Disabled Workers
Capuano Co-Sponsors Bill Expanding Access to Drug Treatment
Capuano Works to Find Additional Funding for REACH Program
Administration Must Embrace Scientific Research: Capuano Supports Stem Cell Act
Videoconferencing Puts Pause on Medicare Benefits
Capuano Introduces Legislation to Streamline the Visas Mantis Program
Congressman Capuano Receives National Award for Community Health Care
Capuano Honored for Intergenerational Housing Initiatives
Capuano Vision Rehabilitation Services Provision Passes Congress
Housing Bill Passes Congress With Capuano Intergenerational Housing Provisions
Statement in Opposition to the Medicare Prescription Drug Bill
Statement Regarding the Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act
Capuano Introduces Legislation to Help Those Raising Their Grandchildren
Capuano Calls on Bush and SBA to Assist Businesses Impacted by SARS
Capuano Introduces Legislation to Help Alleviate Nursing Shortage
Capuano Files Legislation to Help Seniors Maintain Independence
Capuano Files "Mobilized Reserve Family Health Care Act of 2003"
National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc. Honors Capuano
Capuano Urges Additional Funding for Community Health Centers
House Floor Remarks Recognizing National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
House Floor Remarks Supporting Health Care Safety Net Improvement Act
House Floor Remarks Recognizing National Hospital Week
Capuano Introduces Legislation to Alleviate the Nursing Shortage
Capuano Introduces LEGACY Act: Affordable Housing for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Capuano to Visit Veronica Smith Senior Center
Capuano, Kennedy and Kerry Secure Funding for Local Projects
Short-Sightedness on Stem Cell Research
Capuano Files Legislation to Help Seniors Maintain Their Independence
Capuano Urges Additional Funding for Community Health Centers
Capuano Questions Bush Budget Priorities
Capuano Offers Fiscally Responsible Alternative to Republican Social Security Tax Plan
Capuano Sponsors Briefing on Status of Community Health Centers
Gephardt Joins Capuano and Moakley at Mass General Hospital for Children
Capuano Welcomes Dr. Steven Niemi Before The Technology Subcommittee
Capuano Files Legislation to Help Vision Impaired Seniors Maintain Independence
Capuano Announces Vision Rehabilitation Legislation
Capuano Amendment Creating International Rape Counseling Program Passes House
Capuano Co-sponsors Asthma Awareness Act
Capuano Testifies in Support of Community Health Centers
Capuano Announces Sponsorship of First Pieces of Legislation

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U.S. House of Representatives Names Jamaica Plain Post Office after Lcpl. Arredondo
Resolution on the Importance of Sudan's Comprehensive Peace Agreement Passes in the House
Capuano, Markey Meet with House Speaker, President to Discuss Afghanistan
Capuano Named Chair Of Subcommittee On Capitol Security
Statement of Mike Capuano on General Petraeus' Report and the War in Iraq
Terrorism Risk Insurance Extension Introduced in the House
Capuano's Statement on Iraq and H.R. 1591: the Iraq Accountability Act of 2007
A message from Congressman Capuano regarding H. Res. 543 and the war in Iraq
Op-ed in Boston Herald: No vote for open-ended involvement in Iraq
Congressman Mike Capuano Returns From Visit to Iraq
Capuano, Colleagues Seek Extension of Terrorism Risk Insurance Program
Terrorism Insurance Bill Containing Key Capuano Amendment Passes Financial Services Committee
Capuano Introduces Bill to Extend Terrorism Insurance
Capuano Introduces Legislation to Streamline the Visas Mantis Program
Capuano Protests Attorney General's Defense of USA Patriot Act
Letter to Attorney General John Ashcroft Regarding Our Civil Liberties
Capuano Files Legislation to Aid Victims of Anthrax Attacks
House Floor Remarks Regarding Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001
Capuano Files Bill to Provide Refundable Military Tax Credit
Capuano Hosts Service Academy Seminar
Statement: Why I Oppose Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China
Capuano Hosts Service Academy Seminar

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Bush Budget Cuts Will Devastate Affordable Housing in Bay State
Capuano Demands Action, Forces Debate on Affordable Housing Trust Fund
Capuano Questions HUD Secretary's Commitment to Affordable Housing
Massachusetts Delegation Calls on HUD to Fund Section 8 the Way Congress Intended
Capuano Honored for Intergenerational Housing Initiatives
Housing Bill Passes Congress With Capuano Intergenerational Housing Provisions
Housing Legislation Containing Capuano Amendment Passes House
Housing Legislation with Capuano Amendment Passes Financial Services Cmte.
Capuano Urges Action on Housing Legislation
Capuano Introduces LEGACY Act: Affordable Housing for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Capuano Condemns HUD Budget Cuts
Capuano Voices Concerns as Republican Budget Passes House
Capuano Questions Bush Budget Priorities
Homeownership Bill Containing Key Capuano Amendments Passes House
Senators Kennedy and Kerry, Rep. Capuano Announce Grant Funding
Capuano Condemns Housing Budget Cuts
Capuano Opposes HUD Cuts
Capuano, Cuomo, Members of Congress Announce Strategy to Protect Affordable Housing
Capuano Receives Subcommittee Assignments, Opens District Office
Capuano Announces Sponsorship of First Pieces of Legislation

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Sudan Caucus Co-Chairs Call for Release of Rudwan Dawod
Rep. Mike Capuano statement on the First Anniversary of South Sudan’s Independence
Capuano Urges SEC to Take Action Regarding Citizens United Decision
Sudan Caucus Statement on Refugee Camp Bombing
Statement Regarding the Death of Gadhafi
Rep. Capuano and Sen. Menendez Announce Filing of Shareholder Protection Act
Congressman Capuano Statement on South Sudan Independence
Congressman Capuano Introduces Legislation Giving Consumers More Control Over Their Car’s "Black Boxes"
Statement on Southern Sudan's Referendum to Create Own Country
House Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Sudan Divestment
Resolution on the Importance of Sudan's Comprehensive Peace Agreement Passes in the House
Government Accountability Office (GAO) Releases Report on Sudan Divestment
Elections not for sale
Capuano Introduces Legislation in Response to Supreme Court Citizens United Ruling
Statement on Sudan: the Fifth Anniversary of the Signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement
Statement on New White House Policy on Sudan
Capuano Praises President Obama's Appointment of Envoy to Sudan
Statement Regarding the Indictment of Sudan President Omar al Bashir
Capuano Calls for Additional Helicopters to Support Peacekeeping Efforts in Darfur
Capuano Files Resolution Calling on President Bush to Boycott Olympics Opening Ceremony Due to China's Inaction on Darfur
Rep. Mike Capuano Urges China to Take Greater Action on Darfur
Co-Chairs of the Congressional Caucus on Sudan Statement Regarding PetroChina IPO
Capuano Files Legislation Granting Consumers More Control Over Their Car's "Black Box"
Capuano Calls on President Bush to Appoint Special Envoy to Sudan
Reps. Capuano and Bono File Bill to Protect Auto Owners' Privacy
Capuano Works to Increase Funding for Darfur Peacekeeping
Statement From Congressman Capuano on the Save Darfur National Rally to Stop Genocide
Congressman Mike Capuano to Speak at the Save Darfur National Rally to Stop Genocide
Statement Regarding the Passage of H.R. 3127: the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act
Capuano Seeks More Funding for Darfur Peacekeeping in Appropriations Bill Amendment
Op-ed by Rep. Michael E. Capuano: U.S. must work to halt Darfur genocide
Statement of Congressman Mike Capuano After Meeting With UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and Ambassador John Bolton About the Genocide in Darfur
Congressman Capuano Travels to Africa, Stops in Khartoum, Darfur
Congressman Capuano Questions U.S. Policy in Sudan
Congressman Mike Capuano Establishes Bi-Partisan Congressional Caucus on Sudan
Capuano Calls on Pension Boards to Divest From Sudan
1,000th Day of Detention for Prisoner of Conscience in China
Capuano Honors the Late Congressman Moakley at Roxbury Community College
Capuano Protests Attorney General's Defense of USA Patriot Act
Capuano Resolution Condemning Slavery in Sudan Passes in House
Capuano Resolution Condemning Slavery in Sudan Passes in Committee
Capuano Condemns Chinese Government For Treatment of Dr. Yang Jianli
Capuano Resolution Condemning Slavery in Sudan Passes in Subcommittee
Capuano Condemns Chinese Government For Treatment of Dr. Yang Jianli
Letter to Attorney General John Ashcroft Regarding Our Civil Liberties
Capuano and Neal Honor Irish Hunger Strikers
Capuano Calls on Olympic Committee to Consider Human Rights Records of Host Countries
Statement: Why I Oppose Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China
Capuano and Somerville Group Focus on Tibet and Colombia for Get on the Bus Day of Action
Capuano Condemns Violence in East Timor
Capuano Amendment Creating International Rape Counseling Program Passes House
Capuano Urges President to Assist Kosovar Rape Victims
Capuano Commemorates Anniversary of Armenian Genocide
Capuano and Somerville Group Urge Release of Political Prisoners in Tibet

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Statement Regarding the Death of Gadhafi
Congressman Capuano Introduces Legislation Giving Consumers More Control Over Their Car’s "Black Boxes"
Capuano Introduces Legislation to Create a Nationwide Highway Tunnel Inspection Program
Capuano Introduces Legislation Establishing a Grant Program on Teen Driver Safety
Op-Ed: Ethics process is working
Capuano Introduces Legislation to Create a Nationwide Highway Tunnel Inspection Program
Statement on the Passage of H.Res. 895, Establishing an Independent Office of Congressional Ethics
Summary of H. Res. 895: Establishing an Office of Congressional Ethics
Op-Ed: Time to Pass an Ethics Reform Bill With an Independent Board
Legislation to Create a Nationwide Highway Tunnel Inspection Program Passes House
Capuano Releases Report of the Special Task Force on Ethics Enforcement
Statement of Mike Capuano on the Department of Transportation Office of the Inspector General's Report
Capuano's Legislation to Create a Nationwide Highway Tunnel Inspection Program Passes in Committee
Statement Regarding the National Transportation Safety Board's Final Report on the Big Dig Ceiling Panel Collapse
Special Task Force on Ethics Enforcement Focuses on Flawed System
Capuano Files Legislation to Create a Nationwide Highway Tunnel Inspection Program
Department of Transportation's Office of the Inspector General Agrees to Oversee Full Review of the Big Dig
NTSB Agrees to Investigate Big Dig Accident, Sends Team to Boston
Congressman Capuano, Massachusetts Delegation Ask NTSB to Investigate Big Dig Accident
House Funds Capuano's Initiative to Help Young Witnesses
Initiative To Help Young Witnesses Approved in House
Rep. Capuano's Amendment To Help Young Witnesses Passes in House
Capuano Introduces Legislation to Teach Children about Safety
Republicans Remove COPS From Our Streets
Capuano Calls For Independent Oversight for B.U. Biolab
Capuano Protests Attorney General's Defense of USA Patriot Act
Capuano Files Legislation to Assist Young Witnesses
House Floor Remarks Recognizing National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Letter to Attorney General John Ashcroft Regarding Our Civil Liberties
Capuano Attaches Public Representation Amendment to H.R. 3763
Capuano Files Legislation to Aid Victims of Anthrax Attacks
Capuano Files Legislation to Assist Young Witnesses
House Floor Remarks Regarding the Juvenile Witness Protection Act
Capuano Offers Amendment to Juvenile Justice Bill
Capuano Announces Introduction of Legislation to Protect Young Witnesses
Capuano, Kerry and Kennedy Announce $225,000 COPS Grant to Cambridge
Capuano Sponsors Legislation Protecting Consumers from Credit Card Abuses
Capuano Announces Sponsorship of First Pieces of Legislation

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Congressman Capuano Awarded Order of Merit of the Italian Republic
Congressman Capuano Hosts Community Meeting
Mass. Congressional Delegation Members Urge Expedited Processing of Already Approved Haitian Immigration Petitions
Congressman Capuano Hosts Telephone Community Meetings
Statement from Congressman Mike Capuano on the Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act
Congressman Capuano Hosts Telephone Community Meetings
Capuano Holds Telephone Community Meeting
Congressman Capuano to hold Telephone Community Meeting
Resolution Honoring World Champion Boston Red Sox Introduced in the House
Reps. Mike Capuano and Mike Turner Establish Congressional Former Mayors Caucus
Congressman Mike Capuano Will Host Online Community Meeting
Statement on Republican-Sponsored Bill H.R. 4241: the Deficit Reduction Act
Congressman Mike Capuano Hosts Online Community Meeting
Capuano Works to Find Additional Funding for REACH Program
Boston Red Sox Honored by House of Representatives
Capuano Joins Ralph Cooper at African American Summit
Capuano Calls for Pools to Remain Open
Congressman Capuano Receives National Award for Community Health Care
Capuano, Kennedy and Kerry Secure Funding for Projects to Help Local Youth and Families
Capuano Questions Bush Budget Priorities
House Passes Capuano Resolution In Support of Italian American Heritage Month
Capuano Joins Colleagues on Capitol Hill in Urging Action on Heating Oil
Capuano Offers Fiscally Responsible Alternative to Republican Social Security Tax Plan
Capuano Hosts Watertown Community Meeting
Capuano Urges Administration to Respond to Home Heating Oil Crisis
House Floor Remarks in Celebration of Italian-American Heritage Month
Capuano Will Walk With Letter Carrier to "Stamp Out Hunger"
Capuano Commemorates Greek Independence Day
Capuano to Visit 8th District Neighborhoods During Upcoming District Work Period
Capuano Hosts Open House

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Congressman Capuano Introduces Legislation Giving Consumers More Control Over Their Car’s "Black Boxes"
Digital TV Transition
Administration Must Embrace Scientific Research: Capuano Supports Stem Cell Act
Capuano Calls For Independent Oversight for B.U. Biolab
Capuano Introduces Legislation to Streamline the Visas Mantis Program
Short-Sightedness on Stem Cell Research
Capuano Questions Bush Budget Priorities
Capuano Welcomes Dr. Steven Niemi Before The Technology Subcommittee
Science Committee Approves Capuano Amendment in Networking R&D Act
Capuano Receives Additional Subcommittee Assignment
Capuano Receives Subcommittee Assignments, Opens District Office

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House Passes Conference Report Reauthorizing Transportation Spending
Op-Ed: Time for 'adult conversation' on Somerville Green Line Extension
Op-Ed: It should not be this difficult
Op-Ed: A way forward on the Green Line Extension
Congressman Capuano Introduces Legislation Giving Consumers More Control Over Their Car’s "Black Boxes"
Capuano Introduces Legislation to Create a Nationwide Highway Tunnel Inspection Program
Congressman Capuano Lauds FAA Final Rule on Passenger Protections as Positive First Step Rep. Capuano Thanks Secretary LaHood for Northeast Corridor High Speed Rail Designation
Congressman Capuano Introduces Baggage Fee Fairness Act
Capuano Introduces Baggage Fee Fairness Act
Capuano Introduces Legislation to Create a Nationwide Highway Tunnel Inspection Program
Capuano's Amendment Establishing a Nationwide Highway Tunnel Inspection Program Passes in House
Legislation to Create a Nationwide Highway Tunnel Inspection Program Passes House
Statement of Mike Capuano on the Department of Transportation Office of the Inspector General's Report
Capuano's Legislation to Create a Nationwide Highway Tunnel Inspection Program Passes in Committee
Statement Regarding the National Transportation Safety Board's Final Report on the Big Dig Ceiling Panel Collapse
Capuano Files Legislation Granting Consumers More Control Over Their Car's "Black Box"
Capuano Files Legislation to Create a Nationwide Highway Tunnel Inspection Program
Department of Transportation's Office of the Inspector General Agrees to Oversee Full Review of the Big Dig
NTSB Agrees to Investigate Big Dig Accident, Sends Team to Boston
Congressman Capuano, Massachusetts Delegation Ask NTSB to Investigate Big Dig Accident
Federal Transportation Funding for Mass., to Increase 25 Percent to $5.23 Billion
$5.1 Billion in Federal Transportation Funding Coming to Massachusetts
Somerville Awaits $5 Million in Project Funding
Cambridge Awaits $2+ Million in Project Funding
Capuano Blasts Massport's Demand Management Plan
Capuano Announces $4.8 Billion in Federal Transportation Funding for Massachusetts
State Transportation Gridlock Threatens Economic Future
Capuano, Kennedy and Kerry Announce Funding for Transportation Projects
Capuano asks NASA to Consult Residents When Devising Airplane Noise Reduction Projects
Capuano Praises FAA Announcement on Runway 14/32
Capuano, Kennedy and Kerry Secure Additional Urban Ring Funding
Capuano, Kennedy and Kerry Secure Additional Urban Ring Funding
Funding Awarded To Commence Urban Ring Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Capuano Receives Additional Subcommittee Assignment
Capuano Asks EPA to Oppose Runway 14/32
The Burden of Proof is on Massport
Capuano Testifies in Support of the Urban Ring

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