
Congressman Cliff Stearns Accomplishments:


Taxpayers' Friend Award 2012-04
National Taxpayers Union

Spirit of Enterprise Award 2012-00
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Taxpayer Hero 2012-09
Citizens Against Government Waste
Friend of Farm Bureau 2012-06
American Farm Bureau Federation
Tax Fighter Award 2012-10
The National Tax Limitation Committee
Jefferson Award 2010 - 1992
International Food Distributors Association
Defender of Economic Freedom Award 2009
Club for Growth
Guardian of Small Business Award 2008-06-04
National Federation of Independent Business
Spirit of Innovation Award 2008
Telecommunications Industry Association
Hero of the Taxpayer 2008-01
Americans for Tax Reform
Friend of the Shareholders Award 2008-06-04-02-00
American Shareholders Association
Guardian of Worker Freedom 2008
Alliance for Worker Freedom
Award for Manufacturing Legislative Excellence 2008-05
National Association of Manufacturers
Eagle Award 2007
Association of Building Contractors
Protector of Property Rights 2006-04-02-00
Property Rights Alliance
Small Business Champion 2006
Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council
Guardian of Worker Freedom 2006
Alliance for Worker Freedom
Tax Fighter Award 2006-04
National Tax-Limitation Committee
Honor Role 2006
Southern Economic Development Council
Taxpayer Hero 2005-04
Council of Citizens Against Government Waste
Small Business Advocate 2004
Small Business Survival Committee
2003 Privacy Leadership Award 2003
Intl. Association of Privacy Professionals
Taxpayer's Friend Award 2003
National Taxpayers Union
Guardian of Small Business 101st-107th Congress
National Federation of Independent Business
Taxpayers' Hero Award 1990-92, 1995-2000
Citizens Against Government Waste
Golden Bulldog Award 1989-2000
Watchdogs of the Treasury



Guardian of Seniors' Rights Award 2012
60 Plus Association
Friend of Senior Citizens Award 2008-06
60 Plus Association
Medicare Choices Leadership Award 2007
The Coalition for Medicare Choices
Senior Guardian Medal of Honor 2004
Seniors Coalition
Franklin Award 2004
60 Plus Association
Friend of Senior Citizens 2003
60/Plus Association
Super Friend of Seniors 2000 and
Guardian of Seniors' Rights . 103rd-105th Congress
60/Plus Association
Legislative Achievement Award 2000
The Seniors Coalition
100 Percent Rating 2000
United Seniors Association

Veterans & National Security:

Legislator of the Year 2009
Air Force Association of Florida
Inducted into U.S. Border Control's Hall of Fame 2006
& 100 Percent Rating

U.S. Border Control
A+ Career Rating on Immigration 2006
Americans for Better Immigration
Citizens Flag Alliance 2003
American Legion
W. Stuart Symington Award 2001
Air Force Association
George "Buck" Gillespie Congressional Award 2001
Blinded American Veterans Foundation
Congressional Laurel 2000
Armed Forces Journal
Charles Dick Medal of Merit 1998
National Guard Association of the United States
Special Citation 1998
U.S. Air Force Association
Peace Through Strength Victory Leadership Award
Coalition for International Security
National Security Leadership Award 101st-103rd Congress
American Security Council


National Health Leadership Award 2012
National Organization for Rare Disorders
Champion of Healthcare Innovation 2012
Healthcare Leadership Council
Special Recognition 2010
Allergy & Asthma Network Mother of Asthmatics
Champion of Healthcare Innovation 2010
The Healthcare Leadership Council
Safety Net Award for Congressional Leadership 2006
The National Association on Public Hospitals & Health Systems
Visionary Award 2005
American Academy of Ophthalmology
Mothers' Choice Award 2005
Allergy & Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics
Medal of Honor 2005, 03, 01, 00, 1999
U.S. Oncology
Public Service Award
American Heart Association


Faith and Freedom Award 2012
Faith and Freedom Coalition
True Blue Award 2011 - 02
Family Research Council & Focus on the Family
Friend of the Family Award 1989-00
Christian Coalition
Mayor's Blue Ribbon Task Force on Drugs
City of Ocala


A in English Award 2008
U.S. English, Inc.