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Why we serve: From African refugee to US soldier

Story by Sgt. 1st Class Eric Pahon | 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade | Date: 06.20.2012

Spc. Alfred Kollie escaped civil war, genocide, and more than eight years living in African refugee camps to join the U.S. Army. Read More

Afghan National Army repairs Paktika thoroughfare

Courtesy Story | 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division | Date: 06.20.2012

Afghan National Army soldiers recently conducted several route repair missions in Paktika province along essential roads damaged by insurgent-placed roadside bombs. One recent effort, led by the ANA’s 4th... Read More

‘Dragon’ Brigade to focus on Afghan partnership

Story by Sgt. Gene Arnold | 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division | Date: 06.16.2012

The 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, from Fort Riley, Kan., completed a transfer of authority with the 172nd Infantry Brigade in eastern Afghanistan’s Paktika Province, June 16. Read More

US-Afghan partnership leads to aircraft maintenance improvements

Story by Sgt. 1st Class Eric Pahon | 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade | Date: 06.11.2012

Your average story about a U.S.- Afghan partnership involves a foot patrol with the infantry through some dangerous territory. Because of the terrain in eastern Afghanistan, helicopters are critical for troop... Read More

Afghan artillery fires first operational rounds in Paktika

Story by Staff Sgt. Charles Crail | 172nd Infantry Brigade | Date: 06.06.2012

Afghan National Army field artillery lit the night sky for the first time ever in eastern Paktika province last week, as a newly emplaced howitzer battery became tactically operational. Read More