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KAF Liaison Officers (Long Package)


KAF Liaison Officers (Long Package)

Video by Margaret Trujillo | American Forces Network Afghanistan | Date: 10.28.2012

Forward Operating Bases in Afghanistan rely on their unit headquarters to keep them ready by providing logistics. Liaison Officers are the people who make that possible. Includes sound bites from Petty Officer... View Video

KAF Liaison Officers (Short Package)


KAF Liaison Officers (Short Package)

Video by Margaret Trujillo | American Forces Network Afghanistan | Date: 10.28.2012

Forward operating bases in Afghanistan rely on their unit headquarters to keep them ready by providing logistics. Liaison Officers are the people who make that possible. Includes sound bites from Petty Officer... View Video

Freedom File - Oct. 30


Freedom File - Oct. 30

Video by Margaret Trujillo | American Forces Network Afghanistan | Date: 10.28.2012

Forward operating bases in Afghanistan rely on their unit headquarters to keep them ready by providing logistics. Liaison Officers are the people who make that possible Includes sound bites from Petty Officer... View Video

KAF Liaison Officers (Prime Cuts)


KAF Liaison Officers (Prime Cuts)

Video by Margaret Trujillo | American Forces Network Afghanistan | Date: 10.28.2012

Forward operating bases in Afghanistan rely on their unit headquarters to keep them ready by providing logistics. Liaison Officers are the people who make that possible. Includes sound bites from Petty Officer... View Video