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Rep Walberg Introduces Legislation to Lower Taxes for Individuals & Small Businesses

Washington, D.C. - Rep Walberg introduced legislation this week to help lower taxes and bring more certainty for individuals and small business owners.

Specifically, H.R. 6225 would make tax cuts permanent, eliminate the death tax, index the capital gains tax for inflation, and include an alternative minimum tax (AMT) patch for 2012.

Rep Walberg released the following statement following the bill’s introduction:

“This year, Americans had to work 107 days just to pay their taxes. That is unacceptable.  Taxes are now costing families more than their food, clothing and housing combined and they simply cannot bear any more tax burdens.  Meanwhile, businesses in South Central Michigan, especially family-owned companies and farms, struggle to plan for the future and keep their businesses running. The legislation I introduced underscores my long-standing support for tax reforms that will provide the relief that families and businesses so desperately need.”