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C-STARS Performs Life Saving Exercise


C-STARS Performs Life Saving Exercise

Video by Tech. Sgt. 157th Public Affairs | 70th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 10.24.2012

The Missouri Air National Guard's C-STARS program recently trained with St. Louis healthcare professionals in a catastrophic event response exercise. View Video

C-STARS Performs Life Saving Exercise


C-STARS Performs Life Saving Exercise

Video by Tech. Sgt. 157th Public Affairs | 70th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 10.24.2012

The Missouri Air National Guard's C-STARS program recently trained with St. Louis healthcare professionals in a catastrophic event response exercise. View Video

Air Force Members Utilize CSTARS


Air Force Members Utilize CSTARS

Courtesy Video | Pentagon Channel | Date: 07.06.2012

Air Force trauma teams receive high quality shock trauma training though the Air Force's Centers for Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills View Video