Energy efficiency is a way of managing and restraining the growth in energy consumption. Something is more energy efficient if it delivers more services for the same energy input, or the same services for less energy input. For example, when a compact florescent light (CFL) bulb uses less energy (one-third to one-fifth) than an incandescent bulb to produce the same amount of light, the CFL is considered to be more energy efficient.

Global energy efficiency market ‘an invisible powerhouse’: at least USD 310b/yr

IEA report sees energy efficiency finance becoming established market segment in its own right More »»

Energy efficiency: a key tool for boosting economic and social development

New IEA report shows the multiple benefits of energy efficiency and calls on governments to invest more resources to harness them More »»

Around $80 billion wasted on power for online devices in 2013

Simple measures can keep problem of inefficient "network standby" from worsening in years ahead, IEA report says More »»

Our focus

The IEA promotes energy efficiency policy and technology in buildings, appliances, transport and industry, as well as end-use applications such as lighting. IEA analysis has led to the development of 25 energy efficiency recommendations which identify best-practice, highlighting the opportunities for energy efficiency improvements and policy approaches in each sector to realise the full potential of energy efficiency for our member countries.

Fast facts

  • USD 190 billionThe annual savings to the EU public health sector offered by a high energy efficiency scenario out to 2020.
  • 80 billion USDvalue of electricity wasted in 2013 due to not implementing best available technologies and solutions in network-enabled devices

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