Gavins Point Dam - Omaha District US Army Corps of Engineers


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Missouri River Municipal & Industrial Water Storage Reallocation Study

 The Missouri River Municipal & Industrial Water Storage Reallocation Study (authorized by Section 216 of the 1970 Flood Control Act) will systemically and comprehensively examine whether some amount of the storage included in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ six mainstem Missouri River reservoirs for authorized project purposes may be allocated solely to municipal and industrial water supply. The study will also examine the effects of such a reallocation on the authorized purposes and operations of the mainstem reservoirs.

The study area will include the six mainstem reservoirs and the Missouri River proper from Fort Peck Reservoir (Fort Peck, Mont.) to St. Louis, Mo.

For more information on this Reallocation Study, please contact the study manager via email at or by mail at the following address:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District - CENWO-PM-AA
Attn:  M&I Reallocation Study
1616 Capitol Avenue
Omaha, NE 68102