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Latest Presidential Independent Expenditures

Texans for America's FutureFOR: Obama, Barack$100,000
60 Plus AssnFOR: Romney, Mitt$40,219
60 Plus AssnFOR: Romney, Mitt$11,730
Americans for Responsible LeadershipFOR: Romney, Mitt$2,189,317
Liberty Action PACAGAINST: Obama, Barack$562,989

See more Presidential Independent Expenditures

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OpenSecrets Blog

Mixed Results for Challengers That Outraised Incumbents

Nov 7 - Some winning challengers yesterday had a cash advantage to neutralize the incumbent advantage, though a couple of races where challengers won the fundraising battle are still too close to call.


Capital Eye Opener, Nov. 7 (The Day After): Incumbents Who Dominated Both Money and Votes, FreedomWorks' Bad Day, and More

Nov 7 - Some incumbents blew their challengers right off the field with both fundraising and vote-getting. Also, FreedomWorks strikes out in the races where it spent the most money.

Outside Groups Made Final Push in the Last Week

Nov 7 - Senate races in Arizona, Indiana, Missouri, Nevada, Virginia and Wisconsin drew the most outside spending in the last week.

Massachusetts, Virginia Senate Among 2012's Most Expensive Races

Nov 6 - The role of outside spending in federal elections dramatically changed in 2010 with the Supreme Court's decision in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission case, which opened the doors for corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money advocating for or against candidates. The Center for Responsive Politics estimates this election likely will cost $6 billion, shattering the previous record by more than $700 million, much of which is due to the massive increase in outside spending.

Capital Eye Opener, Nov. 6: CRP Hosts Reddit AMA Today, Center to Protect Patients' Rights Appears Again, and More

Nov 6 - CRP is hosting a Reddit forum today to answer any questions about money in politics this Election Day. Also, a group we revealed last May makes another appearance, and today's D-Day for the GOTV efforts of both presidential candidates.

Mystery Firm is Election's Top Corporate Donor at $5.3 Million

Nov 5 - The biggest corporate contributor in the 2012 election so far doesn’t appear to make anything — other than very large contributions to a conservative super PAC.

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