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"Does it make sense to remove oversight at a time when Republican-led legislatures across this nation are passing laws to obstruct voting?"

WASHINGTON, DC-- Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11) spoke out, on the House floor, against Republican attempts to abolish the Election Assistance Commission.  Eliminating the EAC would remove oversight and create obstacles to ensuring that every eligible vote is counted:

"There's no doubt that a concerted voter suppression effort is underway in this nation.  Abolishing the Election Assistance Commission, an agency charged with ensuring that the vote of every American counts, is just another step in the voter suppression effort and would completely remove oversight of the most important process in our democracy.

Does it make sense to remove oversight at a time when Republican-led legislatures across this nation are passing laws to obstruct voting?  No, it absolutely does not.

In the first three quarters of 2011, nineteen new state laws and two executive actions were enacted to limit the ability of American citizens to vote.  They would make it significantly harder for more than five million eligible voters to cast ballots in 2012.

Many of the bills, including one signed into law in my home state-- Ohio-- include the most drastic voting restrictions since before the Voting Rights Act of 1965. 

Seniors will be denied their right to the franchise, and the disabled will find it more difficult to vote.  Minorities and students will face more challenges than ever before.  Soldiers honorably serving our country will be left with their absentee votes uncounted.

And let's not forget the people who died for our right to vote.  People were slain to create the rights we enjoy today. 

This determined effort is really about targeting a specific population of eligible voters to change the outcome of the 2012 election.

Plain and simple, H.R. 3463 is yet another voter suppression tactic.  Join me today in supporting this final amendment to guarantee the right of every American citizen to cast their vote."