Digest for H.Res. 1761
111th Congress, 2nd Session
H.Res. 1761
Congratulating Auburn University quarterback and College Park, Georgia, native Cameron Newton on winning the 2010 Heisman Trophy for being the most outstanding college football player in the United States
Sponsor Rep. Rogers, Mike
Committee Education and Labor
Date December 15, 2010 (111th Congress, 2nd Session)
Staff Contact John Gray

H.Res. 1761 is expected to be considered on the floor of the House on Wednesday, December 15, 2010, under a motion to suspend the rules, requiring a two-thirds majority vote for passage.  The legislation was introduced on December 14, 2010, by Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL). 

H.Res. 1761 resolves that the House of Representatives congratulates Auburn University quarterback and College Park, Georgia, native Cameron Newton on winning the 2010 Heisman Trophy for being the most outstanding college football player in the United States.