Digest for H.Res. 1434
111th Congress, 2nd Session
H.Res. 1434
Recognizing National Homeownership Month and the importance of homeownership in the United States
Sponsor Rep. Miller, Gary G.
Committee Financial Services
Date June 23, 2010 (111th Congress, 2nd Session)
Staff Contact Ja'Ron Smith

H.Res. 1434 is expected to be considered on the floor of the House on Wednesday, June 23, 2010, under a motion to suspend the rules, requiring a two-thirds vote for passage. The legislation was introduced by Rep. Gary Miller (R-CA) on June 10, 2010.

H.Res. 1434 would resolve that the House of Representatives:

  • “Fully supports the goals and ideals of National Homeownership Month;
  • “Recognizes the importance of homeownership in building strong communities and families; and
  • “Reaffirms the importance of homeownership in the Nation's economy and its central role in our national economic recovery.”

According to the resolution's findings, the month of June is recognized as National Homeownership Month.