Digest for H.Res. 1338
111th Congress, 2nd Session
H.Res. 1338
Recognizing the significant accomplishments of AmeriCorps and encouraging all citizens to join in a national effort to raise awareness about the importance of national and community service
Sponsor Rep. Matsui, Doris O.
Committee Education and Labor
Date May 12, 2010 (111th Congress, 2nd Session)
Staff Contact Ja'Ron Smith

H.Res. 1338 is expected to be considered on the floor of the House on Wednesday, May 12, 2010, under a motion to suspend the rules, requiring a two-thirds vote for passage. The legislation was introduced Rep. Doris O. Matsui on May 6, 2010.

H.Res. 1338 would resolve that the House of Representatives:
• "Encourages all citizens to join in a national effort to salute AmeriCorps members and alumni and raise awareness about the importance of national and community service;
• "Acknowledges the significant accomplishments of the AmeriCorps members, alumni, and community partners; and
• "Recognizes the important contributions to the lives of our citizens by AmeriCorps members."

Members maybe concerned that H.Res. 1338 is at least the 8th Americorps resolution in this Congress.  Some Members are concerned that AmeriCorps volunteers are currently employed (and recruited) by community organizations including Planned Parenthood.  Members have expressed concern that federal funding should not support "volunteers" to be paid to work for abortion providers and grant them further flexibility with their finances and resources (given that money is fungible).  For a recent example of an AmeriCorps job opportunity at a Planned Parenthood, click here.  These Members are also concerned that without the proper safeguards, opportunities for community service participants to engage in activities that many find inappropriate (i.e. ACORN, Planned Parenthood) could become more commonplace under the Obama Administration.