Digest for H.Res. 1228
111th Congress, 2nd Session
H.Res. 1228
Honoring the veterans of Helicopter Attack Light Squadron Three and their families.
Sponsor Rep. Boozman, John
Committee Veterans Affairs
Date June 29, 2010 (111th Congress, 2nd Session)
Staff Contact Ben Howard

H.Res. 1228 is expected to be considered on the floor of the House on Tuesday, June 29, 2010, under a motion to suspend the rules, requiring a two-thirds vote for passage. The legislation was introduced by Rep. John Boozman (R-AR) on March 25, 2010.

H.Res. 1228 would resolve that the House of Representatives:

  • “Honors the service, courage, and sacrifice of the veterans of HAL-3;
  • “Honors the families of HAL-3 veterans for their support;
  • “Expresses its condolences to the families and comrades of those killed in action;
  • “Recognizes HAL-3 as a unique squadron in the history of naval aviation.”

HAL-3 was officially established on April 1, 1967, in Vung Tau, South Vietnam, and was the only active duty Navy helicopter gunship squadron in the history of Naval Aviation. During the squadron's existence, the nearly 3,000 veterans of HAL-3 displayed extraordinary courage in support of United States military and political objectives in Vietnam.