Digest for H.R. 3199
111th Congress, 2nd Session
H.R. 3199
H.R. 3199 - Emergency Medic Transition Act
Sponsor Rep. Harman, Jane
Date September 22, 2010 (111th Congress, 2nd Session)
Staff Contact Brian McManus

H.R. 3199 is expected to be considered on the House floor on Wednesday, September 22, 2010, under a suspension of the rules, requiring a two-thirds majority vote for passage. Rep. Harman (D-CA) introduced H.R. 3199 on July 14, 2009, and it was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.  On July 28, 2010, the committee reported it by voice vote.

H.R. 3199 would create a grant program to increase the number of emergency medical technicians (EMTs).  Under H.R. 3199, states would receive grants to create a program to help veterans with medical training become qualified as state-certified EMTs.  States would be required to prove they have a shortage of EMTs before applying for and receiving a grant.  The Secretary of Health and Human Services would be required to submit an annual report to Congress regarding the status of the program.   Furthermore, the Comptroller General of the United States must submit a report to Congress, which will include a recommendation to whether the program should be expanded to help veterans become health providers other than EMTs.  Lastly, the bill would authorize the appropriation of $5,000,000 for each fiscal year 2011 through 2015.   

According to the committee report, “veterans with military medical training often encounter significant certification fees and burdensome requirements to study entry-level curricula when they seek to qualify as civilian EMTs, making their entry into this field more difficult and time-consuming. These barriers come at a time when states with EMT shortages are seeking additional personnel to help build their emergency response capability.”

Assuming the appropriation of all funding, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that implementing the act would cost $3 million in 2011 and $23 million over the 2011-15 time period. Pay-go does not apply.