Blog Posts Tagged 'healthcare'

Republican Leadership Press Conference

The president's health care law is bad policy both for our economy as well as our health care system. As a result, House Republicans will once again vote to repeal the law, stop the federal takeover of our nation's health care system, and instead focus on patient-centered reforms. We are also committed to stopping a tax hike for all Americans, inc [...]  More

Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle (R-NY) Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (VIDEO)

In this week's address, Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle (R-NY) discusses the U.S. House of Representatives' upcoming vote to repeal the president's health care law in its entirety. The law is driving up costs and making it harder for small businesses to hire new workers. As we've seen with the latest jobs report, national unemployment has been at or above [...]  More

Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republicans remain committed to creating a business atmosphere were jobs can be created. The House will vote to stop a tax increase on small businesses next month, as well as repeal any part of the president's health care law that is still in place after the Supreme Court rules on its constitutionality this week.   More

Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (VIDEO)

In this week's address, Rep. Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) discusses House Republicans' focus on jobs and fully repealing the president's health care law. The law makes it difficult for small businesses to expand and hire new workers, it drives up health care costs, and it's making our economy worse. After the Supreme Court's decision, House Republica [...]  More

Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) to Deliver the Weekly Republican Address (PHOTO)

Speaker of the House John Boehner announced yesterday that Rep. Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) will deliver the Weekly Republican Address tomorrow, Saturday, June 23. Here's a sneek peek of Rep. Cassidy delivering the address, in which he's expected to discuss the Supreme Court's upcoming decision on the constitutionality of the president's health care [...]  More

Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN) Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (VIDEO)

In this week's address, Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN) discusses the House's recent vote to repeal the medical device tax included in the president's health care law. We cannot raise taxes on anyone--especially when the May jobs report revealed the 40th consecutive month of unemployment above 8%. House Republicans have passed dozens of jobs bills that s [...]  More

Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN) to Deliver the Weekly Republican Address (PHOTO)

Speaker Boehner announced today that Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN) will deliver the Weekly Republican Address tomorrow, Saturday, June 9. Here's a behind-the-scenes look at Rep. Paulsen delivering the address, in which he's expected to discuss the House's recent vote to repeal the medical device tax in the president's health care law. This is the 30th [...]  More

5/31/12 Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republicans continue to pass legislation that will help improve our economy. From the FDA reform bill to the repeal of the medical device tax included in the president's health care law, Republicans are focused on creating an environment in which businesses can create more jobs. Watch House Republicans' weekly press conference below and lear [...]  More

House Republican Women: Working for You (VIDEO)

“We Republican women are working together to create jobs, reduce spending, help small businesses, and put health care decisions back into your hands.  While our backgrounds are different, one thing is not: we are all conservative reformers -- committed to leaving America better for our children and grandchildren than it was for us.&rdquo [...]  More

Republican Leadership Press Conference

Today, House Republicans on the Budget Committee will outline our Fiscal Year 2013 budget proposal. This budget will tackle our economic crisis responsibly and effectively, addressing our growing deficits while ensuring our nation's seniors are taken care of. In addition to the budget, the House will vote to repeal IPAB this week which is the boar [...]  More

ObamaCare: Scrap this flawed mess for real health fixes

Rep. Brian Bilbray (CA) published a piece today on ObamaCare. Read an excerpt here: During the recent election, the American people spoke clearly, saying that their elected representatives had failed to focus on the most important issue facing them and their families: jobs. Instead of focusing on job creation to put back to the work the 14.8 mi [...]  More

Mack Says 112th Should be "Repeal Congress"

Rep. Connie Mack (FL) published a special piece in Roll Call today looking forward to the next two years. Read an excerpt of the piece here: The results of the historic 2010 elections have given us the opportunity to change course and restore our Constitutional government. The principles of limited government that were so fiercely protected by o [...]  More

Stearns: Flaws in Healthcare Law Coming to Light

Rep. Cliff Stearns (FL) published a blog post in the Hill today. Please read an excerpt of "Flaws in healthcare law coming to light": Americans are only eight months into the passage of the more than 2,000-page healthcare bill, but they are beginning to see some of the problems created by this new healthcare law.   When Congress passed th [...]  More

Flatlines: Day 1 Under ObamaCare's Patients Bill of Rights: 25 Percent Rate Increase in NYC

The New York Post reports that a 62-year-old man in New York City received a 25 percent rate increase on the first day of ObamaCare’s mandates.   According to the story, ObamaCare mandates are forcing this New Yorker to pay $1,680 more a year for his health insurance.      For previous Flatlines, click here.  More

Flatlines: Obama's Job Loss Program Gets Worse—50 Million Americans Uninsured in 2009

Yesterday, the Census Bureau indicated that 50.7 million Americans were uninsured in 2009, up from 46.3 million in 2008.  Specifically, the number of people with private health insurance dropped to 253.6 million from 255.1 million—the first year that the number of people with health insurance has decreased since 1987.      [...]  More

Bilirakis On How ObamaCare Hurts Seniors

by Rep. Gus Bilirakis (FL) Throughout the healthcare debate, Democrats claimed that if you like your health care plan, you’d be able to keep that health care plan. But it’s more than evident that just a few months after enacting Obamacare, that is not the case. Millions of people will have no choice but to switch their health care pl [...]  More

Really? 1 in 5 Seniors Could be Forced Out of Their Medicare Prescription Drug Plan

Rep. Dave Camp (MI), ranking member of the House Republican Committee on Ways and Means, published this recent analysis regarding how seniors will be affected by ObamaCare. Seniors have been one of toughtest sells for the Obama Administration on the health care legislation passed earlier this year. It's easy to see why when you read that 1 in 5 se [...]  More

ObamaCare Is a Hard Sell to Seniors

It's no wonder the White House is urging Democrats to focus on the economy instead of the recently passed and highly unpopular health care reform. Seniors are one of the toughest demographics to crack when it comes to ObamaCare -- and that's understandable. From a piece in Politico today: ...And a poll by the National Council on Aging found 45 per [...]  More

Not Helping: ObamaCare Hurts Small Businesses

ObamaCare's tax increases have provided endless evaluation for the policy shop at the House Republican Conference. While GOP leadership has pledged to repeal the legislation, they haven't yet had that opportunity. One area ObamaCare taxes affect most is the small business community, a lifeblood of the American economy. Here are just few of the taxe [...]  More

America's New Health Care System Revealed (VISUAL)

Rep. Kevin Brady (TX), senior House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, is back with a new and revised health chart that showcases the endless bureacracy Americans face under the newly passed ObamaCare legislation. See this powerful visual below: From the Joint Economic Committee: Four months after U.S. House Spea [...]  More

The Hill: GOP Moves to Repeal Healthcare Law

From The Hill: House Republican leaders introduced a bill Thursday to repeal and replace the sweeping healthcare law adopted in late March. According to Rep. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), the measure would repeal the current law and replace it with the alternative the minority party offered to the original healthcare legislation last November. “As [...]  More

ObamaCare Flatlines: The Voice of the American People

Polling data since the passage of the Democrats’ government takeover of health care shows what the American people really think about President Obama’s policies. 64%: USA Today/Gallup Poll: “USA Today/Gallup poll found 64 percent saying the law will cost the government too much. Also, the poll found that 65 percent said the law [...]  More

John Campbell: House Health Care Bill Is Horrible

Rep. John Campbell (CA) isn't done pointing out what's wrong with the Pelosi health care bill. Even though the bill narrowly passed the House last weekend, there's more to say about it. Read an excerpt of Campbell's op/ed today in the Orange County Register: This legislation is horrible. I, along with most Republicans, support health care reform, [...]  More

Poll Says: More in U.S. Say Health Coverage Is Not Government Responsibility

The latest Gallup poll proves that Americans do not see health care coverage as a responsibility of the government. From Gallup: More Americans now say it is not the federal government's responsibility to make sure all Americans have healthcare coverage (50%) than say it is (47%). This is a first since Gallup began tracking this question, and a si [...]  More

The Washington Times: Together Against the Pelosi Plan

The Washington Times today published a piece written by House Republican women standing against the Democrats' health care bill. See the following excerpt: After last Saturday's passage of the Democratic health care bill, we congresswomen want to state strongly why we feel women should oppose the plan. In American families, women make most health [...]  More

Pence Video Calling on Americans to Choose Freedom


Statement By House GOP Leaders Boehner, Cantor, & Pence on Stupak-Pitts Amendment

House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH), House Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) and House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence (R-IN) issued the following statement in support of an amendment offered by Representatives Bart Stupak (D-MI) and Joseph Pitts (R-PA) that would prohibit federal funding of abortions under the House Speaker Nan [...]  More

Pence Calls on Members of Congress to Choose Freedom

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, gave the following statement today on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives shortly before the vote on the Democrat health care bill:  “After months of overwhelming public opposition to a government takeover of health care, liberal Democra [...]  More

Pence Urges Congress to Support the Pitts/Stupak Amendment

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, delivered the following remarks today on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in support of an amendment offered by Representatives Joseph Pitts (R-PA) and Bart Stupak (D-MI), an amendment that would prohibit federal funding of abortions under the P [...]  More

House Republican Conference Policy Shop Has What You Need

Keep checking the House Republican Conference Policy Shop for relevant facts and details as the health care debate continues. Here are a few of the documents you will find there: AARP: On the Wrong Side of History—Again Even as Speaker Pelosi and President Obama attempt to trump the endorsement of purported seniors' advocacy organization AAR [...]  More

GOP Health Care Press Conference Today

House Republican leaders today held a special press conference to address the impending vote on the Pelosi Health Care Bill, H.R. 4962. The leaders made statements speaking out against the bill (text below): > Republican Leader John Boehner:   Good morning. The American people have spoken and they’ve made it perfectly clear that the [...]  More

Stupak-Pitts Amendment: Most Important Abortion-Related Vote Since Roe

Good News: In a surprise move after hours of tumultuous negotiations, the House Rules Committee, very early Saturday morning, approved rules for debate on the pro-abortion health care bill. Although it appeared Speaker Nancy Pelosi would deny one, it allows a vote on an amendment to remove aborti [...]  More

Side-by-Side: GOP Plan Delivers Health Care Reform Americans Want

From the office of House Leader John Boehner: When it comes to reforming health care, controlling skyrocketing costs is the American people’s top priority.  Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) 2,032-page government takeover of health care will actually increase costs and hit family budgets hard with new taxes, job-killing mandates, and [...]  More

CongressDaily: AMA Faces Revolt By State Branches

CongressDaily reports today on state chapters of the AMA who do not support the government-run Pelosi health care bill. This opposition is critical as the House moves forward with a vote on the bill in the next day or two. See an excerpt of the article here: The Georgia Medical Association is racking up support for a move to force the American Med [...]  More

Video: Voices of Republican Women

House Republican Whip Eric Cantor's office produced this video spotlighting House Republican women on health care in America. Women make 79% of health care decisions for their children and spend two of every three health care dollars for their families. There are three videos in the following series. Watch all three here: A Discussion on Health Ca [...]  More

"House Call" Press Conference Up Close and Personal

Human Events covered the "House Call" press conference yesterday with a video compilation. House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence, along with many other House Republicans, spoke out forcefully against the Pelosi Health Care plan. They were joined by actors Jon Voight and John Ratzenerberger.   More

Pence Urges Vote on Explicit Ban of Abortion Coverage in Democrat Health Care Bill

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence submitted the following remarks on the floor of the House today, urging a vote on an amendment which would explicitly ban abortion coverage in the Democrat health care bill: For 30 years, the pro-life beliefs of millions of Americans have been protected by the federal government. Congress passed the Hyde Amendment in 19 [...]  More

MSNBC: Pence Advocates for GOP Alternative Health Care Bill

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence appeared yesterday on MSNBC to promote the GOP health care alternative against the government-run Pelosi Health Care plan that was introduced last week. Watch it here:   More

Pence Hails CBO Report on Republican Health Care Bill

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, released the following statement today after the Congressional Budget Office reported that the House Republican health care plan will reduce health care premiums by up to 10 percent and lower federal budget deficits by $68 billion over the next ten years: Across the country [...]  More

GOP Health Care Solutions for America: See It Now

Want common sense health care reforms our nation can afford? You got it. House Republicans have come out strong with our latest health care alternative, which embraces all or parts of almost every previous Republican bill. Be sure to check our updated Health Care Solutions page with a summary and text of the bill, numerous fact sheets on truths ab [...]  More

On the Record With Mike Pence

House Republican Conference Chairman was interviewed yetserday on Capitol Hill, regarding the Pelosi health care plan. See that interview here:   More

Republican Health Care Alternative Now Available

The full text of the 219-page, common-sense Republican alternative to Speaker Pelosi’s 1,990-page government takeover of health care is now available. You can find a PDF version here.  A summary of the bill is also posted online for your covenience. The bill includes incorporates all or parts of the following bils:Empowering Patients Fi [...]  More

The Truth About Speaker Pelosi’s Tax Increases

From the House Republican Conference Policy Shop: Even as they attempt to enact a government takeover of health care, Democrats must face the facts about the scope of the tax increases in their own legislation—that according to official estimates from both the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT), Speak [...]  More

How Obamacare Will Affect You By Congressman John Shadegg

Rep. John Shadegg (AZ) publisheda piece at Townhall today, entitled, "How Will ObamaCare Affect the Average American?" Read the following excerpt: So Nancy Pelosi and President Obama are adamant that Congress pass their health care bill. They’ve dismissed the August protesters and are pushing for passage as soon as possible. But, what does t [...]  More

Live Stream of Health Caucus "Virtual Reading Room" Is Here

The Congressional Health Caucus is livestreaming now and we've got it embedded:   More

Common Sense Health Care Reform

From GOP Solutions for America: See a summary of the House GOP health care reform bill here. The American people have spoken. They oppose government-run health care. Republicans are on the side of the American people. What Americans want are common-sense, responsible solutions that address the rising cost of health care and other major problems [...]  More

House Republican Virtual Reading Room Today At 2pm ET

House Republicans have set up a “ Virtual Reading Room” today, where they will read through the Pelosi Health Care bill. Here are the details: WHAT:    Republican Reading Room - Read the Text of the Pelosi Health Care Bill WHEN:   Today, Tuesday, November 3, 2009, 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. (ET) WHER [...]  More

Over 100 New Federal Bureaucracies Created in Pelosi Health Care Bill

We've compiled a list of all the new boards, bureaucracies, commissions, and programs created in Speaker Pelosi's government takeover of health care. Though there are over 100 in our list, here are a few that stuck out: -- Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research (Section 1401(a), p. 734) -- Grant program to support the operation of school-b [...]  More

Pelosi's Health Care Bill By the Numbers

The House Republican Conference has compiled a list of important numbers relevant to Speaker Pelosi's 1,990-page health care bill. Here are a few: 5.5 million-Number of jobs that could be lost as a result of taxes on businesses that cannot afford to provide health insurance coverage, according to a model developed by Council of Economic Advisors C [...]  More

The Washington Examiner Spotlights GOP on Health Care Message

The Washington Examiner's Byron York spotlighted the Weekly Republican Address this weekend. The piece, entitled "GOP on Health Care: In 568 Words, What's Wrong with 1,990 Pages," can be read here. Here is an excerpt: House Republican Leader John Boehner gave the Republican radio address today, and in 568 words made a simple and compelling case fo [...]  More

House Leader John Boehner Delivers Weekly Republican Address on Health Care

House Republican Leader John Boehner delivered this week's Weekly Republican Address, focusing on health care. Here is the video:   More

Daily Fact About Women and Health Care

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA), Vice-Chair of the House Republican Conference, has been a strong leader on the health care front. In addition to a special health care section on her web site, the Congresswoman's office will be publishing a "Daily Fact About Women and Health Care" each day this week. Today's fact follows: *Women are most responsi [...]  More

The Pelosi Health Care Bill: Facts and Finds Continued

It is 1,990 pages long so House Republicans and GOP leadership are still reading through the many details included in the Pelosi health care bill, unveiled last Thursday. We will continue delivering updates here on as more details are revealed. Be sure to check out our three previous entries full of facts pulled from specific pages of the [...]  More

Pelosi's Health Care Plan Facts and Details Round 3

We'll be updating you with new finds from the Pelosi health care bill this weekend so stay tuned! Here are some of our latest finds: -- Page 872: Includes language regulating the qualifications of the food services director at all nursing homes receiving reimbursement under Medicare and Medicaid.  Language here: (a) MEDICARE.—Section 181 [...]  More

Fact Check and Details About Pelosi's Government-Run Health Care Bill Round 2

Today, we will continue to update and inform you about the facts inside House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's government-run health care plan, unveiled yesterday. Time is ticking for legislators to read the 1,990 page bill in full and House Republicans want to make sure everything in the bill is exposed. Don't forget to check out yesterday's long list of i [...]  More

Fact Check and Details About Pelosi's Government-Run Health Care Bill

We will keep you updated with the latest facts and finds about the Democrats' health care bill here. You can find the text and PDF of that bill and other relevant documents here. The most recent finds will be at the top. Here you go: -- Reading Guide -- Pelosi's Health Care "Reform" Bill -- Page 183: The Commissioner (i.e. the health insurance cza [...]  More

Pence Calls Pelosi Health Care Bill A “Freight Train of Mandates, Taxes and Bureaucracy”

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence appeared on Fox News, MSNBC and CNN today to discuss the Democrats' health care bill. You can view each of those appearences here. Here is a preview, with the apperance CNN:  Watch the rest here.   More

House Republicans Respond to Pelosi's Health Care Bill

House Leader John Boehner (OH): The American people have spoken. Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats have ignored them.  Through the month of August, the American people let Members of Congress from both parties know that they didn’t want a government takeover of health care.  That hasn’t changed. But instead of listening to [...]  More

Democrats' Health Care Bill Text

The text of the Democrats' health care bill can be found here. It is 1,990 pages long -- start reading!  More

Democrat Health Care Bill to Include Public Option

After a widely circulated email from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office announced a health care press conference scheduled for this morning, the rumors that she would unveil a bill began. Apparently, they are true. The Washington Post reports today that the Democrat health care bill will include a public option, to be revealed today. The Post rep [...]  More


The House Republican Conference released a new web video today in response to a recent White House video on "DISINFORMATION" in the health care debate. The video features Democrats in their own words. Check it out below:   More

Ready for Rationing?

*This post originally appeared on Net Right Nation. by Rep. John Shadegg (AZ)Are you ready for health care rationing?  Are you ready to be told what treatments, medicines, and procedures you can or cannot have?  Because rationing may be coming soon to your doctor’s office or a hospital near you.Last week, Obama economic advisor, La [...]  More

Jeff Flake: Uncensored

Rep. Jeff Flake (AZ) gets a few words in at the American Spectator this morning, offering insight from the mind of Republicans' leading anti-earmark crusader. On healthcare: For good reason, Americans are naturally skeptical about the federal government’s ability to manage a national healthcare program. So Republicans have an advantage [...]  More