Blog Posts from December 2010

Merry Christmas to America's Holiday Heroes (VIDEO)

Watch it here:   More

Rep. Joe Pitts (PA) Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (VIDEO)

Rep. Joe Pitts (PA) delivers the Weekly Republican Address. See below:   More

Rep. Joe Pitts (PA) to Deliver the Weekly Republican Address (PHOTO)

House Speaker-designate John Boehner (R-OH) today announced that Rep. Joe Pitts (PA) will deliver the Weekly Republican Address. The address will be available here on Friday Morning.     More

House Republican Conference Rules: 112th Congress

The following is a list of links to the House Republican Conference Rules and Steering Committee structure for the 112th Congress:Structure Establishing the Steering Committee for the 112th Congress as Agreed to by the House Republican ConferenceHouse Republican Steering Committee 112th Basic Committee StructureHouse Republican Steering Committe [...]  More

Blackburn Fights Against Net Neutrality

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (TN), a Member of the Energy and Commerce Committee and leader against net neturality, recently gave an interview on the topic to CNBC. The FCC approved net neutrality rules today but Republicans like Blackburn are ready to fight back when they take back power in January. Blackburn spoke with bloggers today about her bill -- [...]  More

Sensenbrenner: UN talks in Cancun were not a success

Rep. James Sensenbrenner (WI) published a piece today in The Hill regarding the UN climate change talks in Cancun. Read his thoughts below: To listen to United Nations delegates, Cancun was a resounding success. After the recent negotiations, U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Chief Christiana Figueres declared that the climat [...]  More

ObamaCare: Scrap this flawed mess for real health fixes

Rep. Brian Bilbray (CA) published a piece today on ObamaCare. Read an excerpt here: During the recent election, the American people spoke clearly, saying that their elected representatives had failed to focus on the most important issue facing them and their families: jobs. Instead of focusing on job creation to put back to the work the 14.8 mi [...]  More

Mack Says 112th Should be "Repeal Congress"

Rep. Connie Mack (FL) published a special piece in Roll Call today looking forward to the next two years. Read an excerpt of the piece here: The results of the historic 2010 elections have given us the opportunity to change course and restore our Constitutional government. The principles of limited government that were so fiercely protected by o [...]  More

Franks: Obama's dangerous push on New START

Rep. Trent Franks (AZ) published an op/ed in Politico today. Read the following excerpt: Weakness invites danger. It’s as true for the United States today as it was in the ’70s. The Obama administration’s urgent insistence to ratify the New START treaty with Russia during a lame duck session – notwithstanding that Russia [...]  More

Support for ObamaCare Continues to Drop

Rep. Phil Roe (TN) has published a piece in today's "The Daily Caller." Since Congress passed ObamaCare earlier this year, it has continually received negative reviews from the public and will be on the forefront again soon. Read on: This week, U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson in Virginia declared that a central provision of the law in Obamacare [...]  More

Upton: Our Top Priority Will Be Full Repeal

Rep. Fred Upton published a blog post today in The Hill. The post was in response to the recent U.S. District Court ruling that ObamaCare is unconstitutional. Read an excerpt here: Today, a U.S. District Court ratified what many Americans have known for the past year: the health care law is not only bad policy, it is unconstitutional as well.&nb [...]  More

Rep.-Elect Kristi Noem (SD) Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (VIDEO)

Rep.-Elect Kristi Noem (SD) delivered the Weekly Republican Address:   More

Rep.-Elect Kristi Noem (SD) to Deliver the Weekly Republican Address (PHOTO)

Rep.-Elect Kristi Noem (SD) will deliver the Weekly Republican Address. The address will be available here on first thing tomorrow morning. Come back and see us then!   More

Roe: Tax deal will help small businesses create jobs

There's been a lot of controversy this week regarding President Obama's decision to extend the Bush tax cuts. It's angered some Democrats and appeased some Republicans, but everyone seems to have an opinion -- including Rep. Phil Roe (TN). He published an op/ed in the Daily Caller today. Please see the following excerpt: This week, President Obama [...]  More

DREAM Act carries some harsh realities

The DREAM Act has been a subject of great controversy and may come up for debate on the House floor today. Many Republicans have great concerns about the consequences of passing legislation that encourages illegal immigration. Rep. Lamar Smith (TX) wrote in detail about a few things that could become a reality should this legislation pass. See an [...]  More

Flake Asks You to Vote for Your Favorite "Egregious Earmark of the Week"

Rep. Jeff Flake (AZ) has been arguably the biggest crusader of earmark reform from the start. His long battle turned victorious this year when House and Senate Republicans unanimously voted to uphold an earmark ban for the 112th Congress. Though Democrats weren't as keen on the idea, it was still symbolic of the coming change in a new Republican m [...]  More

Remembering Pearl Harbor

Today, on the 69th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, we remember those who died on "a date which will live in infamy." Old footage from the attack is featured below: The Los Angeles Times today features the story of two survivors of the attack. Years later, the two men accidentally became neighbors -- and their story is worth a read. An excerpt is bel [...]  More

NSF: The First YouCut Citizen Review of a Government Agency (VIDEO)

The latest from YouCut: Rep. Adrian Smith (NE) is featured in the first round of a new experiment with YouCut - the first YouCut Citizen Review of a government agency. From YouCut: Together, we will identify wasteful spending that should be cut and begin to hold agencies accountable for how they are spending your money. First, we will take a [...]  More

House passes legislation to extend only some Bush-era tax cuts

After heavy debate, the House voted to keep some of Bush tax cuts. Now it's on to the Senate. Read the report here: The House voted 234-188 Thursday to pass legislation that would extend only some of the expiring Bush-era tax cuts, sending the bill to the Senate. Twenty Democrats broke with their party and voted against the bill after 33 had de [...]  More

YouTube Peek of the Day: New Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling Talks Budget on CNBC (VIDEO)

House Republicans make appearances on national television shows constantly so it's easy to miss a good clip. You can be sure to keep up with your favorite Members by subscribing to the House Republican Conference YouTube page and personal Member pages as well. Here's a recent clip of recently elected House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensar [...]  More

House GOP Says Farewell to Feel-Good Resolutions

Time and money are precious -- especially on Capitol Hill where lawmakers are often dealing with your time and your money. In a move to improve efficiency, Republicans are pushing to get rid of votes on symbolic resolutions. Read an excerpt of the Politico report below: Republicans are moving to get rid of House votes on symbolic resolutions and a [...]  More

House GOP Leaders Push for 'Cut-As-You-Go'

House Republicans aren't messing around now that they have taken the Majority back. In the latest push for less spending and government interference, GOP leaders are promoting a "cut-as-you-go" plan that would require old government programs to be cut in order for new ones to emerge. Read the Wall Street Journal report here: In another nod to cons [...]  More

Stearns: Flaws in Healthcare Law Coming to Light

Rep. Cliff Stearns (FL) published a blog post in the Hill today. Please read an excerpt of "Flaws in healthcare law coming to light": Americans are only eight months into the passage of the more than 2,000-page healthcare bill, but they are beginning to see some of the problems created by this new healthcare law.   When Congress passed th [...]  More

Video Central: Subscribe to You Favorite House Republican YouTube Channels!

Did you know that most House Republicans have their own YouTube channels? Many upload videos their lastest floor speeches and guest appearances regularly. Be sure to subscribe to your favorite channels for the most up to date videos. You'd be surprised how inspiring -- or entertaining -- a good floor speech or television appearance can be. Don't m [...]  More