Blog Posts from July 2010

How Do You Solve Fannie and Freddie? Rep. Ken Marchant Is On It

Rep. Kenny Marchant (TX) appeared today on "Coffee and Markets" a podcast radio show featured on The New Ledger and On this episode, the Congressman talked with hosts about the latest GDP numbers, Fannie and Freddie, and the challenges facing small businesses.  Check out the podcast here!  More

Rep. Jim Jordan Fights to "Get a Handle" on the Spending (VIDEO)

Rep. Jim Jordan (OH) goes on record to recognize the GOP's fight to "get a handle" on the out of control spending Democrats have perpetrated on America. Watch the video here:   More

New Analysis: Letting tax cuts expire will kill economic recovery

Economic news as of late has focused heavily on the soon-to-expire Bush tax cuts of 2001. It's a partisan issue and one that's been debated on end. However, a new analysis out today finds that letting these tax cuts exprire will kill America's economic recovery. Read an excerpt of this analysis: The nascent US economic recovery would be halted in [...]  More

Reichert Struts His Stuff on Politico's "Click"

Watch Rep. Dave Reichert face off with Politico's Patrick Gavin:   More

BlogHer Features Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers

  One of the worlds leading female blog sites,, featured a profile piece today on Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA). Many times, the personalities behind politicians are lost amid policy and talking points. With today's piece on McMorris Rodgers, readers are offered a glimpse behind the scenes. An excerpt is posted below the photo: [...]  More

Obama Economic Advisor Says: "Tax cuts have positive output effects."

Republicans are traditionally known for supporting tax cuts to help fix an ailing economy. President Obama and the Democrat Congress have generally steered clear of that method -- and intentionally broken more than promise not to raise taxes on Americans making less than $250,000 annually. The President's economic advisor Christina Romer recently [...]  More

Bachmann Speaks Out at SGP (AUDIO)

Last weekend, Rep. Mike Pence (IN) and Rep. Michele Bachmann (MN) visited RightOnline in Las Vegas. The conference was one for conservative online grassroots activists -- opposite the liberal conference, NetRoots Nation. One of the largest grassroots conservative movements right now is Smart Girl Politics. Congresswoman Bachmann took a few minutes [...]  More

America's New Health Care System Revealed (VISUAL)

Rep. Kevin Brady (TX), senior House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, is back with a new and revised health chart that showcases the endless bureacracy Americans face under the newly passed ObamaCare legislation. See this powerful visual below: From the Joint Economic Committee: Four months after U.S. House Spea [...]  More

Small Businesses Face Higher Taxes Under Obama Plan

The latest Obama economic plan regarding tax cuts will cause strife for small businessses, which will face higher taxes because of it. According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, more than half of small businesses will be affected in this way. The law is described as follows: "Present law and the President's fiscal year 2011 budget proposals rel [...]  More

Graves: A Recipe for Economic Disaster

Rep. Sam Graves (MO), the Ranking Republican on the House Small Business Committee, published a piece in the Ripon Forum today. The piece covers how the health care law will affect small businesses. Read an excerpt here: For centuries, small business owners have encouraged prosperity and vitality in this great nation. These entrepreneurs epitomize [...]  More

"The Country Cannot Withstand More Spending, More Taxes or More Bailouts."

As President Obama's approval rating regarding the economy continues to spiral downard, House Republicans offer better solutions for the long term. House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence took the floor this morning:   More

CNN Poll: 57% of the public disapproves of Obama's performance on the economy

Every week, there is a new poll out touting the lowering approval rating of President Barack Obama. Today, CNN published one specific to the economy -- and the results are unspurprising. The national poll tracked Americans' approval of how Obama is handling the economy. The President received a 57% disapproval rating regarding his performance on t [...]  More

Lamar Smith Talks About The Reality of Arizona

Rep. Lamar Smith (TX) wrote the lead story for Human Events today. The headline says it all: "Obama Sues Arizona, Gives Sanctuary to Lawbreakers." Read an excerpt and pass it on: The Obama Administration is suing Arizona for wanting to enforce our nation’s immigration laws, but they won’t sue cities that violate our immigration laws by [...]  More

House Republicans Speak Out on ObamaCare

Conservative blog Right Wing News recently covered House Republican leadership ideas regarding ObamaCare. See some of the quotes collected on this issue: We are going to fight to repeal this government takeover of health care and start over with solutions that focus first on lowering costs. Cutting off funding for ObamaCare is absolutely something [...]  More

Tomorrow: Rep. Mike Pence Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (PHOTO)

Rep. Mike Pence will deliver this week's Weekly Republican Address. Check tomorrow morning for the first look:   More

Caution: Tax Increases Ahead

House Democrats aim to show a united front when it comes to allowing the largest tax increase in American history, but an editorial today, in The Wall Street Journal disproves the case.  House Democrat, Bobby Bright, of Alabama told The Hill "I don't care if it's the wealthiest of the wealthy.  You don't raise their taxes. In a recession [...]  More

$3.7 Trillion. So Far.

Yesterday, President Obama signed a financial regulation bill, promising there would be no more taxpayer funded bailouts. But this Administration has put our country into severe debt and given us no reason to trust their empty promises. Additionally, the unemployment rate continues to remain unacceptably high. A Reuters report has the story on the [...]  More

Ideas from the People: A Meeting of GOP Minds

Want to hear what GOP Members of Congress talk about with one another? This video, discussing YouCut proposals from citizens, showcases a nice handful of House Republicans taking citizen views seriously. An article in today's Washington Examiner by Rob Bluey included this video and applauded House Republican efforts to hear from the people. Yester [...]  More

Miss the Presser? Watch it Here! (VIDEO)

Did you miss yesterday's GOP leadership press conference? We've got it here for you. Watch House Republicans leaders talk jobs, the economy and more at their weekly presser:   More

Dems Claim to Be Focused on Jobs -- But Where Are They?

Jobs numbers continue to be disappointing even while Democrats claim to be working on ways to improve them. It is an empty promise we've been hearing for months yet President Obama and the Democrats have been unable to deliver. Here's a big of what Democrats say they are working on now: Democratic aides said they haven’t worked out the detai [...]  More

Djou Scolds Democrats For Lack of Budget (VIDEO)

Rep. Charles Djou (HI) took to the House floor to criticize President Obama and the Democrats for not creating a budget. Watch his remarks here:   More

The Truth About the White House Stimulus Jobs Report

The President's Council of Economic Advisors (CEA) recently reported that the stimulus worked. It's clear -- according to our mounting debt and high unemployment rate -- that this is not true. Everyone needs a little brush up on their facts from time to time so House Republican policy put together a fact v. fiction sheet for you to consult. Check [...]  More

The Obama Administration's Mixed Messages

Rep. Paul Broun, M.D. (GA) wrote a recent blog post regarding the mixed messages of the Obama Administration. Why is their message about the stimulus so conflicting? Read more from Broun here: Last week, representatives of the Obama Administration toured the country to tout the unsuccessful, big-government stimulus.  At the same time the Vice [...]  More

State Unemployment Numbers Released Today: Where are the Jobs?

For months, Americans have been asking President Obama, where are the jobs? State unemployment numbers are set to be released this morning and the numbers aren't likely to look good. With a national unemployment rate of 9.5% -- and in some areas of Florida, Indiana and more in double digits -- will the Democrats take responsibility for their bad e [...]  More

Powerlines: Manufacturers Balk at "Utility-only" Cap-and-Tax Approach

Steel, Chemical Industries Latest to Oppose Senate’s National Energy TaxSenate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) recently proposed bringing a four-tiered climate bill to the Senate floor as soon as July 26, 2010.  The bill would include a section placing greenhouse gas caps on utilities—imposing a national energy tax that would be [...]  More

Paul Ryan Talks About an "Entreprenuerial Economy" (VIDEO)

Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) talks economics on Squawk Box recently. He asks the right questions when it comes the current state of our economy: "Are we going to reclaim the American idea, an entrepreneurial economy, where you make the most of your life, you tap your potential...where you reinvigorate the principles of liberty, freedom, free enterprise and [...]  More

Pence on Fox News Sunday: ""The American people are frustrated with the lack of leadership out of this administration."

Watch House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence on Fox News Sunday:   More

Will President Obama Address America's Question: Where are the Jobs?

Follow @GOPConference on Twitter | Like on Facebook | Sign Up For Email Updates President Obama will address the nation today regarding the nation's economy but will he answer America's key question: where are the jobs? Unemployment is currently at 9.5% and the President's policies have failed to help. Read an excerpt of an article covering today [...]  More

Wow: House Democrats hit boiling point over perceived lack of White House support

In the latest piece on Democrat division, the Washington Post goes into detail regarding Congress' contention with the White House. See an excerpt: House members complain that the White House routinely shows them disrespect. Until recently, some said, administration aides would wait until the last minute to inform them when a Cabinet official wo [...]  More

WSJ: Debt, Bank Troubles Leave U.S. Trailing in Job Growth

The Obama Administration has failed to create jobs or fix the economy in the past year and a half. The Wall Street Journal covers the latest on this issue: One year into the global recovery, the U.S. is lagging far behind other major economies in restoring jobs lost in the recession. A Wall Street Journal analysis of employment trends in 11 coun [...]  More

Obama touts job growth but business leaders say his policies are 'job-destroying'

These are the folks in the know. CNN Money has the story: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce slammed President Obama's economic policies Wednesday, saying administration officials "took their eyes off the ball" and "neglected" to focus on job creation. A letter posted to the business group's site and a summit with 500 business leaders were the lates [...]  More

Pence: White House's Claim That Stimulus Has Created or Saved Millions of New Jobs is "Absurd"

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence appeared on Fox News today, discussing the White House claim of job saving and creation. Pence called the notion "absurd" and you can watch it here:   More

News Showcases Democrat Division

To skim the headlines today, you'd never know the media once heaped endless praise on President Barack Obama and the Democrats who took the majority in 2008. While Republicans have come together on a host of issues this year, Democrats continue to seem more split. See a few of the headlines demonstrating this trend from today: Washington Post: Hou [...]  More

Brady: Stimulus Report Deserves a Pulitzer for Fiction

Rep. Kevin Brady (TX) explains why the White House Council of Economic Advisers report on the "stimulus" deserves a Pulitzer for fiction. Watch it here:   More

New: Oversight: It's Our Job (VIDEO)

House Republicans on the Oversight Committee want the American people to know what they are doing. The Committee's message: The job of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee is to shape a more transparent, efficient and accountable federal government through aggressive oversight of virtually everything government does. GOP Team Oversigh [...]  More

House Republicans Join the Capitol Hill P90X Fitness Craze

Here on Capitol Hill, Members of Congress work hard for the people. Many of them keep that discipline in other aspects of their lives as well. So, which House Republicans participate in the Capitol Hill P90X challenge? Politico's "Click" published a piece today covering the recent national fitness craze: Tony Horton, the creator of Capitol Hill wo [...]  More

Brady on Turning This Economy Around

Rep. Kevin Brady (TX), the ranking member on the Joint Economic Committee, published a piece today at Politico. As the Democrats' economy continues to produce less than optimal results, Republicans offer solutions that will working moving forward. Read the following excerpt: On Nov. 2, the American people will have the opportunity to direct a mid [...]  More

WSJ: Small Businesses Become More Pessimistic

A new report shows that small business owners have little faith in the Democrat-run economy. Read an excerpt of the Wall Street Journal article: The National Federation of Independent Businesses said its Small Business Optimism Index dropped 3.2 points to 89.0 last month, more than erasing the modest 1.6-point gain it saw in May. The report, wh [...]  More

Which Plan Will Bend the Health Care Cost Curve? Not ObamaCare

by the House Republican Policy Team A recent survey of the Society of Actuaries revealed that 86 percent of actuaries believe publishing health care prices and increasing health care transparency will bend the cost curve—something President Obama promised.  However, both the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and President Ob [...]  More

Obama Debt Commission: "This debt will be like a cancer."

A recent video shows Erskine Bowles, co-chair of the Debt and Deficit Commission, saying that the debt our country is accumulating is "like a cancer...will definitely destroy this country from within." Watch the video here:   More

Tomorrow: Rep. Phil Gingrey Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (PHOTO)

Rep. Phil Gingrey will deliver this week's Weekly Republican Address. Check tomorrow morning for the first look:   More

Powerlines: W.H. Climate Czar Admits Small Companies Will Leave the Gulf

Carol Browner: Liability cap increase “will mean that you only have large companies.” White House climate czar Carol Browner has admitted that Democrat legislation moving through Congress to eliminate the cap on liability for oil spills would effectively bar small and independent U.S. energy firms from being able to explore for natura [...]  More

Powerlines: New Study Shows Cap-and-Tax Targets the Midwest

According to a new study by the nonpartisan American Council for Capital Formation, cap-and-tax legislation such as the House-passed Waxman-Markey bill or the Kerry-Lieberman proposal in the Senate would amount to a national energy tax that particularly harms the Midwest, especially Michigan as detailed in the study.  Other states that rely o [...]  More

The Hill: Obama tries to sell 'recovery summer' amid sluggish recovery

The truth comes out. Read coverage on this story from The Hill: President Barack Obama and his team are trying to sell Americans on an economic recovery this summer, but the economy is stubbornly refusing to cooperate. Obama and his Cabinet officials will fan out across the country over the next few days to spread the message to voters about how [...]  More

Flatlines: Obama Appoints Health Care Rationer-in-Chief to Implement ObamaCare

Bypassing the normal Senate confirmation process, President Obama made a recess appointment of a health care rationing advocate to implement ObamaCare as the chief administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).   Dr. Donald Berwick has publicly supported health care rationing as the ultimate cost control mechanism.&n [...]  More

GOPers Pen Letter Criticizing Justice Dept. Lawsuit Against Arizona

In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, Ranking Member Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-CA), and 18 other Members of Congress criticized the Obama administration’s decision to challenge Arizona’s 2010 immigration enforcement law, SB1070. The letter begins: We write to express our disappointment [...]  More

The Hill: House GOP to make jobs a priority

The Hill spotlights a GOP focus on job creation: House Republicans intend to make the economy and jobs a major part of the new Contract With America they hope to unveil in September.   Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.) has been charged with putting together the section on jobs, which Republicans see as a unifying policy position for a conference tha [...]  More

Schock on Stimulus Propaganda Signs: "The Height of Narcissism"

Rep. Aaron Schock (IL) wasn't happy to find out how much federal money was being spent on stimulus signs around the country -- touting what the stimulus has supposedly done for different areas. Schock called the more-than $10,000 signs "the height of narcissism" and created a video to demonstrate his disproval. He notes that Illinois has spent ove [...]  More

Wolf: DOJ Stonewalling Black Panthers Case

  Rep. Frank Wolf (VA) stepped away from issues in the spotlight to focus on the dismissal of U.S. v. New Black Panther Party, a case of what he and many others have classified as voter intimidation. Read Wolf's op/ed on the bizarre nature of this case dismissal and what he is doing to bring it back:   Since the dismissal of this case, I [...]  More

Politico: A Chance To Set The Record Straight

Rep. Eric Cantor (VA) and Rep. Peter Roskam (IL), Co-Chairmen of the House Republican Israel Caucus, wrote the following op/ed for Politico today. Please see and excerpt of "A Chance to set the record straight": Tuesday's White House summit between President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu provides an opportunity for the [...]  More

Conference Call: Read The Papers Today, Democrats?

President Obama attempts to convince struggling families that the ‘stimulus’ worked: “So part of the challenge in delivering this message about all that the Recovery Act accomplished is that things are still tough, they just aren’t as bad as they could have been. They could have been a catastrophe. In that sense, it worked.& [...]  More

ObamaCare Flatlines: 1st ObamaCare Tax Starts Today

Tax on tanning costs $2.7 billion   ObamaCare’s first tax increase-a 10 percent tax-starts today. This $2.7 billion tax is the first of ObamaCare’s $569 billion tax increase.   The new tax adds 10 percent to the cost of tanning services businesses provide.  Some 30 million Americans visit a tanning salon at least once a [...]  More

Djou Makes iPad History on the House Floor

Newly elected Republican Rep. Charles Djou (HI) learned yesterday that he was the first Member of Congress to use on iPad during a House floor speech. Djou tweeted the new information, which was picked up by CNN's Political ticker. From the CNN piece: In a phone interview with CNN, Djou said his long commute home to Hawaii and the fact that he is [...]  More

Republicans Respond to Job Killing Financial Bill

House Republicans came out in full force last night against the Democrats' financial reform bill. Many assert the bill, which passed last night, will kill jobs, fund permanant bailouts and push the economy into further jeopardy. See excerpts of several responses to the bill below: Rep. Judy Biggert (IL): I thought its purpose was to rein in Wall S [...]  More