Blog Posts from March 2010

ObamaCare Flatlines: The Voice of the American People

Polling data since the passage of the Democrats’ government takeover of health care shows what the American people really think about President Obama’s policies. 64%: USA Today/Gallup Poll: “USA Today/Gallup poll found 64 percent saying the law will cost the government too much. Also, the poll found that 65 percent said the law [...]  More

Pence Calls President’s Drilling Announcement “Smokescreen”

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference and the American Energy Solutions Group, issued the following statement today regarding President Obama’s announcement on oil and gas exploration: As usual the devil is in the details.  Only in Washington, D.C., can you ban more areas to oil and gas exploration tha [...]  More

Announcing Healthcare 218: Educating the American Public About the Need to Repeal and Replace

by Rep. Peter Roskam (IL) Today I announced open registration for a new educational course called Healthcare 218: Intro to the Democrat Health Plan.  With 218 days between now and November 2, 2010, and 218 votes needed in the House to repeal and replace the recently passed legislation, Healthcare 218 will daily chronicle the massive new costs [...]  More

Obamacare Flatlines: An Overdose of Layoffs and Job Losses

U.S. employers have warned that President Obama’s government takeover of health care would destroy American jobs and harm our economy.  President Obama’s health care law is not yet a week old, but already we’re seeing the real-life impact that ObamaCare’s job-killing tax hikes and health care costs are having on Americ [...]  More

AP: Health Premiums Could Rise 17 Percent for Young Adults

As controversy about the Democrats health care bill continues, AP reports today on this possibility: Under the health care overhaul, young adults who buy their own insurance will carry a heavier burden of the medical costs of older Americans — a shift expected to raise insurance premiums for young people when the plan takes full effect. Begi [...]  More

An Overdose of Job Killing Taxes

All year long, U.S. employers have warned that President Obama’s government takeover of health care would destroy American jobs and harm our economy.  President Obama’s health care law is not yet a week old, but already we’re seeing the real-life impact that ObamaCare’s job-killing tax hikes and health care costs are h [...]  More

WSJ: This Law Will Not Stand By Rep. Mike Pence

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence wrote a piece in the Wall Street Journal today. Read an excerpt here: In the dead of night on Sunday, Democrats rammed their health-care overhaul through Congress. Some say we made history. I say we broke with history, turning our back on this country's finest traditions of limited government, person [...]  More

Pence: "You Can't Fix A Government Takeover of Health Care. Repeal and Start Over."

Watch it here:   More

Boustany: What’s in the Health-Care Bill for You? Have A Seat Over There and Wait

Rep. Charles Boustany, M.D. (LA) published a piece today in the Daily Caller. See the following excerpt: With the president’s signature still wet on the Senate health care overhaul, people rightly ask, “what will it mean for me?” For many, the answer will likely be found in your paycheck and in the doctor’s waiting room. A [...]  More

Pence: "Americans Have Every Right to Oppose Government Takeover Without Being Smeared"

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence took to the House floor this morning with a message. The Congressman condemned acts of vandalism and bigotry related to ObamaCare opposition. He also stood up for the majority of ObamaCare protestors who peacefully voiced their concerns: "I also rise to condemn the efforts to smear millions of law-ab [...]  More

Hensarling: the Time for Spending Discipline Is Now

Rep. Jeb Hensarling (TX) published a post today on NRO's The Corner. See an excerpt here: Thousands of people marching from the city’s main plaza to a plaza in a neighboring city: Students, faculty, staff, and workers protesting the budget cuts, fee hikes, and furloughs in public education, chanting slogans, waving signs and shutting down a [...]  More

Natural Resources: Less Talk, More Action Needed From Administration to Create American Energy Jobs

The House Republican Natural Resources Committee created a fun video to encourage folks to support the American Energy Act. Watch below:   More

Pence on Obamacare : “This Will Not Stand”

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence appeared on MSNBC today discussing the passage of ObamaCare and what Republicans will do moving forward:   More

Pence: "This Fight is Not Over."

Congressman Pence declared at a press conference today that the "fight is not over" on the Democrats' government takeover of health care and vowed to fight on. MSNBC and CNN both replayed his remarks:   More

Nunes: Laying the Cornerston of A Socialist Utopia

Rep. Devin Nunes (CA) published a blog post today on BigGovernment. Please see the following excerpt: First, I do not accept the premise that it is necessary to upend the health coverage currently available to all Americans for the sake of covering those who are uninsured. Expanding access to insurance is far less complex and far less costly than [...]  More

The Best of Health Care Floor Debates (VIDEO)

View Health Care Floor Debate Highlights in a larger map  More

The Truth About President Obama's Medicare Claim During Health Care Bill Signing

The health care bill has caused a lot of confusion. We wanted to clear up a bit of that, courtsey of Whip Eric Cantor's office. See below: Just prior to signing the Dem health care bill, President Obama claimed that there would be no cuts in “guaranteed benefits” for seniors - despite massive cuts to the overall Medicare program. Presi [...]  More

“One More Speech About the Same Bad Bill Isn’t Going to Change Any Minds in America”

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following remarks  on health care at a House GOP leadership press conference this morning: House Republicans, while we are disappointed with the outcome of the vote on Sunday night, are determined to continue to take our case against this government takeover of [...]  More

Policy: Democrats to Reform the Financial Services Industry—what Could Possibly Go Wrong?

The House Republican Conference policy shop has been hard at work behind the scenes. In our latest paper, we take a break from health care to focus on the economy. Read an excerpt of the study and get the rest at the link below: As AEI's Peter Wallison noted, "By the end of 2008, Fannie and Freddie held or guaranteed approximately 10 million subpr [...]  More

Washington Post: Health-care Vote Looms as Big Issue for November Elections

Since the historic Sunday night vote to pass the Democrats' government-run health care plan in the House, there has been a lot of talk about the November elections. Many believe Democrats who voted for the bill will experience negative results results this year. See an excerpt of a Washington Post story about the issue: President Obama scheduled a [...]  More

McMorris Rodgers: Congress Will Regret This Terrible Bill; the American People Deserved Better

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA) published a post today on BlogHer, in response to last night's vote on the health care bill. Read an excerpt here: Yesterday was a sad day in American history.  Despite the objections of the vast majority of Americans – many of whom travelled to Washington, DC this weekend to protest this dangerous bill [...]  More

Franks: Health Care Bill Wil Fundamentally Diminish the Greatest Health Care System in the World

Rep. Trent Franks (AZ) had this response to the passage of the Democrats' health care bill last night. Read an excerpt of his remarks: Therefore, whatever ill comes from this bill, history should record that Democrats and Democrats alone chose the path of socialism over the highway of freedom. Let this and future generations hold them accountable. [...]  More

Must-See Poll: 70% Say the Federal Budget Deficit Will Go Up

CNN just came out with a poll taken over the weekend on health care. The results are telling:   •        59% oppose the Democrats’ health care bill, while only 39% favor it •        70% say the federal budget deficit will go up under the Democrats’ he [...]  More

The Hangover: Fallout From Health Care Vote Already Plaguing House Dems

From the office of House Republican Leader John Boehner: House Democrats are already beginning to bear the fallout from President Obama and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) reckless crusade to force a massive government takeover of health care through Congress without the support of the American people. As House Republican Leader John Boeh [...]  More

What Didn't Change About Health Care Last Night?

From the Senate Republican Communications Center:59% Of Americans Oppose The Health Bill, 19% Believe They Will Be "Better Off" Because Of The Bill, 70% Believe The "Budget Deficit Will Go Up" CNN: "Do You Generally Favor It Or Generally Oppose [Healthcare Legislation]: "Favor 39% Oppose 59%." "As you may know, the U.S. House of Representatives an [...]  More

Pence: Democrats Ignoring the Will of the American People

Watch Rep. Mike Pence remarks in response to the passing of the Democrats' heatlh care bill. An excerpt of the remarks is below the video: "This is truly a remarkable moment in the life of this nation.  Some say we’re making history.  I say we’re breaking history.  We’re breaking with our finest traditio [...]  More

NRO: “The Executive Order Quite Literally Does Nothing That the Senate Bill Does Not Already Do, and It Is Careful to Say as Much.”

House Republican Leader John Boehner's office sent out the following blog post from NRO, explaining how the Stupak abortion deal doesn't change anything. Here is an excerpt: Looking at the executive order (which you can read here), the answer is clearly nothing. The executive order quite literally does nothing that the Senate bill does not already [...]  More

Pence on Stupak Abortion Deal on Fox News

"It is disappointing to see Members of Congress exchange 30 years of pro-life law for a piece of paper from the most pro-abortion president in American history." "I would cite my colleague, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who said on television today, ‘an Executive Order cannot change the law,'  and I don't think the American people will [...]  More

Bad News: Stupak, Dems Reach Abortion Deal

/* Style Definitions */table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0in; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; [...]  More

Rep. Jeff Flake Speaks Out Against Gov't Takeover of Health Care

Rep. Jeff Flake (AZ) spoke out today on the House floor against the government takeover of health care. View the video below and the text following: We're all aware of the special provisions, the earmarks, in the bill.  The Cornhusker Kickback, the Louisiana Purchase, the Gator-Aid.  These earmarks though, apart from the role they play [...]  More

Boehner: Not Worth the Paper It’s Printed On: Dems’ Fantasy Executive Order An Admission Senate Bill Funds Abortion

From the office of House Republican Leader John Boehner:The American people are hopping mad about the Democrats’ government takeover of health care, none the least that it will funnel their tax dollars to pay for abortion procedures. But having long refused to listen to the American people, Democratic leaders have been focusing on convincing [...]  More

Pence Appearance on CNN's "State of the Union" Today (VIDEO)

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence appeared this morning on CNN's "State of the Union." Watch it here: Part 1: Part 2:   More

VIDEO: GOP Leadership Press Conference Today

Check out today's GOP press conference here below. You can find photos of the event here.    More

Pence Applauds Rejection of “Deem and Pass” Procedure

Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, called the decision to hold an up or down vote on the health care bill tomorrow a victory for the American people: The voice of the American people is being heard on Capitol Hill.  Dropping the procedure known as ‘deem and pass’ shows that the will of the people [...]  More

11 Alarming Tax Issues in the Health Care Bill

From the GOP Committee on Ways and Means: 1.  Creates a special deal for union members.  Starting in 2018, a single union worker in a multiemployer health plan would be completely exempt from the "Cadillac tax" (a 40% tax on high-cost plans) unless the price of that plan exceeds $27,500.  In contrast, a single, non-union worker livi [...]  More

Boehner: Dems’ Decision to Abandon the “Slaughter Solution” Is A Victory for the American People

House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) released the following statement following reports that Democratic Leaders are abandoning their scheme to "deem and pass" the Senate-passed health care bill, also known as the "Slaughter Solution": "The decision to abandon the ‘Slaughter Solution' is a victory for the American people, who want a st [...]  More

Leader Boehner Delivers the Weekly Address Here!

House Republican Leader John Boehner delivered this week's Weekly Republican Address: "Republicans can't beat this bill, but the American people can. It's not too late to make your voice heard."   More

Democrats' Plan Will NOT Protect Military Health Plans

From House Republican Policy: *9.2 million military personnel, families and retirees don't deserve a back room deal?  "Although the health care legislation passed by the House explicitly exempted TRICARE from being affected, the Senate bill did not. Unfortunately, the parliamentary rules of tof the reconciliation process did not allow for th [...]  More

IMPORTANT: Health Care Takeover By the Numbers

The Republican Conference has compiled a list of important numbers relevant to Democrats’ Senate bill combined with the proposed reconciliation bill. Check it out here:   $1.2 trillion:  The total cost of the bill between 2010 and 2020 (though the real costs do not start until 2014), including $940 billion in coverage subsidies, $ [...]  More

Boehner: Will Dems Vote With Their Constituents Or With Speaker Pelosi?

From the office of House Republican Leader John Boehner: Appearing on Fox News' Hannity, House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) said that with the American people steadfastly opposed to a government takeover of health care, it's now up to rank-and-file Democrats to decide whether they will vote with their constituents or vote with Speaker Nan [...]  More

Brady: Health Vote Has Far-reaching Consequences

Rep. Kevin Brady (TX) published an op/ed today in the Houston Chronicle. See an excerpt here: Those of us who grew up watching ABC's Wide World of Sports painfully recall the iconic image of Slovenian ski jumper Vinko Bogataj's spectacular limp-bodied crash forever memorialized as “the agony of defeat.”Forty years to the day after Bogo [...]  More

Rep. Paul Ryan Talks Health Care on FOX Today (VIDEO)

Watch it here:   More

RedState: How A Yes Vote Means Losing in November

RedState has a blog post urging Ohio Democrats not to vote for the health care bill -- for their own good. The polling information from their specific districts proves that these constituents do not want this government takeover of health care. Check out the polling numbers and information here. The post ends with this: This is not some veiled th [...]  More

Policy: Another Backroom Deal for Health Care Takeover?

Have the Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats dipped to a new level to secure votes for their government takeover of health care-trying to use water as a political weapon to secure two votes for their bill? ...Reps. Jim Costa (D-CA) and Dennis Cardoza (D-CA) are reportedly undecided Democrat swing votes on the government takeover of he [...]  More

Pence on MSNBC: "Democrats Don't Have the Votes"

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence:   More

Politico: Democrats Plan Doc Fix After Reform

Politico reports: Democrats removed the so-called doc fix from the reform legislation last year because its $371-billion price tag would have made it impossible for Democrats to claim that their bill reduces the deficit. So what are they doing now? Politico reports on a memo to Dem staffers: "Most health staff are already aware that our health pro [...]  More

CBO Says If You Like It, You May Not Be Able to Keep It!

From the Senate Republican Communications Center:Budget Office Says Health Bill Breaks President's Promise PRESIDENT OBAMA: "So If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep Your Plan." (President Obama, Remarks, Strongsville, OH, 3/15/10)CBO: Nine Million Americans Will Lose Current Insurance Coverage An Estimated 9 Million People Will Lose Their Current [...]  More

Boehner on FOX: Dems’ Health Care Bill “Has Only Gotten Worse”

From the office of House Republican Leader John Boehner: Appearing on Fox News’ Fox & Friends and On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) said that “it’s crunch time” for Democrats trying to twist enough arms to force a massive government takeover of health care through Congres [...]  More

Rep. Paul Broun, M.D. Sets the Record Straight

From the office of Rep. Paul Broun, M.D. (GA): Normal.dotm 0 0 1 96 551 US. House of Representatives 4 1 676 12.0 0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style Definitions */table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-nosh [...]  More

CBO's Sunny Forecast Carries Big Uncertainties

From the Washington Post: The latest estimate of what health-care reform would mean for the government's finances was such a hot document Thursday that at times the Congressional Budget Office's Web site couldn't handle the traffic. But as much as the 25-page "score" of the legislation was treated as holy writ in Washington -- Democrats eagerly fl [...]  More

GOP Ways and Means Report: Democrats’ Health Care Bill Contains Massive Expansion of IRS’s Power

From the GOP Ways and Means Committee: Today, Ways and Means Republicans released a new report detailing how the Democrats’ health care bill vastly expands the responsibilities of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and strengthens the heavy hand of the IRS in dealing with taxpayers. “If the Democrats’ health care bill becomes la [...]  More

Subprime Health Reform: Will the Funding Bubble Burst?

/* Style Definitions */table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-far [...]  More

New: Conrad Predicts Senate Changes to Reconciliation Bill

Roll Call Reports: Senate Budget Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) said Thursday that it is unlikely the Senate will be able to pass a health care reconciliation bill unchanged from what the House passes. Conrad said the Senate Parliamentarian has declined to make rulings on several issues in the bill that Republicans are likely to challenge under [...]  More

Conference Call: Will Speaker Pelosi Wait for the “Final Number” From the CBO?

From GOP Policy: One week ago, Speaker Pelosi said the House Rules Committee could not move on the health care bill until they had a “final number” from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO): “…we were briefed by the Rules Committee as to the action they need to take to put the reconciliation bill on the table.  And [...]  More

Video: GOP Bicameral Press Conference on Health Care Today

House Republican Leader John Boehner and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell speak following their Bicameral Republican Conference Meeting on health care:   More

"America, We Can Win This Thing"

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, delivered the following remarks today on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in opposition to the Democrats’ latest plan for a government takeover of health care. Watch it here and see the text below: "This is a remarkable moment in the life of our nation. [...]  More

Confusion in the Democrats' Health Care Bill

The conservative blog, The US Report (not to be confused with U.S. Report), published a recent piece covering some of the confusion regarding CBO in the Democrats' health care bill. See the following excerpt: At present Democrats and President Barack Obama are pushing healthcare legislation under the pretense it will save Americans money and make [...]  More

Pence Squares Off With Rep. Schwartz About Health Care Reform on CNBC's "Squawk Box

Watch Rep. Mike Pence here:   More

Pence Urges Congress to Reject the “Slaughter House Rule”

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today in support of an effort by House Republicans to force a vote on a resolution that would require an up-or-down vote on the Senate-passed health care bill: The American people know what’s going on in Washington. Whether it’s the [...]  More

Health Care Countdown:The Republican View

The Weekly Standard's Matthew Continetti covered a blogger conference call today with Reps. Kevin McCarthy (CA) and Parker Griffith (AL). Read a portion of that coverage here: Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California, the GOP deputy whip, just held a conference call with bloggers. Here's what he said. The Republicans estimate that Pelosi has 205 Yes vote [...]  More

Boustany: Garnering Your Tax Return for Health Insurance?

Rep. Charles Boustany, M.D. (LA) wrote a guest post today for Hoosier Access. Read it here: As April 15 approaches, millions of Americans will receive tax refunds.  Some will use the excess money they paid to Uncle Sam to go on vacation.  Some will use it to pay off credit card bills, and some will save it for a rainy day. However, if th [...]  More

(VIDEO) Pence: The American People Don't Want A Government Takeover of Health Care

House Republican Conference Chairman MIke Pence appeared today on MSNBC to discuss the current state of the health care bill. Watch it here:   More

America Speaks: Opposition to Dems’ Job-killing Gov’t Takeover of Health Care Grows Even Louder

Attacks on the Democrats’ job-killing government takeover of health care continue to pour in from all sides – newspapers, governors, and state officials included.  The Treasurer of Massachusetts, Timothy Cahill, railed against the Democrats’ health care bill yesterday, stating that “[i]t is time for the president and t [...]  More

McKeon: Health Care: Democrats Can't Fool the American People

Rep. Buck McKeon (CA) published a post today on the the prominent California blog, The Flash Report. Check it out here: Over the past year our country has become fully engaged in the health care reform debate. This is a debate America needed to have. But instead of a bipartisan approach that involves American public input, Democrats are trying to [...]  More

Of Note: Hispanic Voters Align With Conservative Fiscal and National Security Policies

From Resurgent Republic Polling Analysis:Despite being more favorable to Democrats than Republicans, Hispanic voters are open to persuasion this November due to concern over current Democrat policies on spending, debt and national security, according to Resurgent Republic’s latest national survey among 800 registered likely Hispanic voters co [...]  More

ABC News: Dennis Kucinich: White House Knows How to Get My Vote

The "secret" deals are pretty obvious. ABC's Rick Klein on how the White House won over Dennis Kucinich: /* Style Definitions */table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-m [...]  More

Jordan: What Part of 'No' Don't They Get?

Rep. Jim Jordan (OH) made a video blog for NRO's the Corner. Watch it here:   More

Democrats in Chaos Over Health Care

Democrat Whip James Clyburn (SC) appeared today on Fox News to discuss the state of the health care bill. Fox News Reporter Jon Scott asks him a load of questions, none of which he can give a clear answer to. Clyburn admits the Democrats do not currently have the votes but can't say that they will get them or if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi use a st [...]  More

"Hannity": Pence Discusses the Proposed Government Takeover of Health Care (VIDEO)

Watch it here:   More

Pence Calls on Pelosi to Reveal Special Deals in Health Care Bill

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today in response to a recent report, citing unnamed Democrat sources, which says Democrat leaders are no longer accepting changes to their plan for a government takeover of health care: A recent report alerts Members of Congress that the &lsqu [...]  More

Facebook the GOP: Become A Fan!

Republicans are winning the battle online. Recent elections and strides in online media prove it. House Republicans beat Democrats on YouTube views, Facebook pages and Twitter accounts even though we are much smaller in number. The momentum is strong, including numbers on Facebook fan pages. House Republicans have a Facebook fan page so check in a [...]  More

The Ugly Health Care Endgame

From the Senate Communications Center: Last Minute Scramble Includes Drug Lobbyists Writing Final Language, Campaign Cash “Rewards” For Yes Votes, And Restoration Of The Backroom Deals LOBBYISTS CRAFTING HEALTH BILL WITH DEMS “Lobbyists Huddled With Democratic Staffers To Work Out A Fee Structure And Donut-Hole Fix That Wouldn [...]  More

Roskam on the Corner: Is America’s Bond Rating as Safe as Geithner Thinks It Is?

Rep. Peter Roskam (IL) published a post on NRO's "The Corner" blog: It is rich with irony that an administration so intent on exacting a pound of flesh from the financial community for the sub-prime crisis has a Treasury Secretary that is following the same path that Wall Street took to put our economy in jeopardy. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geit [...]  More

Paul Ryan: What Real Health Reform Should Look Like

Read an excerpt of Congressman Ryan's op/ed in today's Washington Post: Despite claims of transparency and calls for a "simple up-or-down vote," there is nothing simple about this process. This convoluted legislative charade demonstrates how far the Democratic majority has wandered from real health-care reform and cost control, employing any means [...]  More

Video Re-Release: Let Your Voice Be Heard

The Democrat health care bill is in critical condition. We know this from the daily tally of Democrats who claim they will vote no on the bill. We know this because President Obama has opted to delay his trip to Indonesia in order to push the bill through. But there is still time to stop this government takeover of health care. We know Americans d [...]  More

Houe Republicans Extend Major Props to Earmark Resolution

After the House Republican Conference passed a unilateral ban on earmarks today, members of the Conference vocalized their support. See some of that here: Rep. Doc Hastings (WA): I believe elected Representatives are often better able to judge the merits of projects in their local communities than are unelected government bureaucrats, but real re [...]  More

Pajamas: Rep. Scott Garrett's Reconciliation Primer

Rep. Scott Garrett (NJ) wrote a health care primer for Pajamas. Read an excerpt here: The president argues that we have come too far and we are too close to start a new, truly bipartisan health care bill from scratch. This bill will affect every American and every American born for generations to come. How can we say, in good conscience, that this [...]  More

Pence Discusses Earmark Moratorium on MSNBC (video)


House Republicans Unilaterally Ban All Earmarks

This morning, the House Republican Conference adopted a unilateral ban on earmarks. "We are offering the American people a fresh start on spending in Washington, D.C. We are offering the American people a new way forward.” - Conference Chairman Mike Pence Here is the text of the resolution: Conference Resolution by Mr. Boehner Resolved, that [...]  More

Pence Praises Unilateral Ban on Earmarks By House Republicans

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, delivered the following remarks today after the House Republican Conference approved a moratorium on all earmarks: Federal spending is out of control and the American people know it. Earmarks have become emblematic of everything that is wrong with spending here in Washington [...]  More

House GOP Adopts Unilateral Ban on All Earmarks

House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement after House Republicans adopted a unilateral moratorium on all earmarks, including tax and tariff-related earmarks: For millions of Americans, the earmark process in Congress has become a symbol of a broken Washington.  Today House Republicans took an important step to [...]  More

Pence Stands Up for Troops Fighting for Freedom in Afghanistan

Watch it here:   More

Rep. Frank Lucas: "A Disconnected Congress"

Rep. Frank Lucas (OK) recently wrote a guest blog post for the Oklahoma blog, The McCarville Report Online. Please read on: The House of Representatives spent much of today discussing H.ConRes. 248, the Afghanistan War Powers Resolution, sponsored by Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH).  The resolution would require the president to remove all [...]  More

Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So You Can Find Out What It Is in It."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi yesterday revealed what we already knew to be true about the Democrats' health care bill:   More

Parker Griffith: Message on Health Care Is Ignored By Democrats

Rep. Parker Griffith (AL), a doctor who recently switched parties to become a Republican, delivered last week's Weekly Republican Address. Democrats were unhappy with his message and he wrote a piece at the Daily Caller on the issue: America is watching the House of Representatives as it is the last line of defense to protect them from a governmen [...]  More

Blogging Away: GOP Blogs of the Week

House Republicans value the importance of new media and the blogosphere in their communications efforts. Every week, we give props to Members who've been featured on blogs across the spectrum. Here are this week's featured few: A Strategic Retreat From Leadership By Rep. Mike Coffman (CO) The Huffington Post EPA: Regulatory Mess, Economic Massacre [...]  More

Coffman: Time Is of the Essence for A Balanced Budget

Rep. Mike Coffman (CO) made his debut appearance on the Daily Caller today with an piece on balancing the budget. Read an excerpt here: Congress must adopt a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced federal budget. Our nation’s economic future may well depend on it. Today our national debt sits at more than $12 trillion. The president&r [...]  More

McKeon: Don't Withdraw Troops Prematurely

Rep. Buck McKeon (CA) wrote an op/ed today with Democrat Rep. Ike Skelton (MO). Please see an excerpt of "Don't Withdraw Troops Prematurely": The president rightly committed us to a counterinsurgency strategy designed to separate the Afghan people from the threats of the Taliban. Just as important, he announced that the top military commander in A [...]  More

Pence Guest Hosts Don and Roma Show This Morning

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, chairman of the House Republican Conference, guest-hosted The Don Wade and Roma Show on WLS this morning.  Below are excerpts:   Spending Limit Amendment   Bruce Wolf: You’ve got a spending amendment that you’re pushing right now. Tell us about it.   Congressman Mike Pence: Yeah, we are. [...]  More

Pence: Crossing the Bridge in Selma

by Rep. Mike Pence (IN) Last weekend our family had the privilege of joining colleagues from both political parties on a walk through the historic sites of the Civil Rights movement in Montgomery and Selma, Alabama. We will never forget the experience. I served as co-leader of the 10th Congressional Civil Rights Pilgrimage sponsored by the Faith [...]  More

Fact Check: What the Health Bill Does for Insurance Companies

From the Senate Communications Center: The American People Are Stuck With Tax Increases While Insurance Companies Take $400 Billion In Direct Payments PRESIDENT OBAMA: “We Can't Have A System That Works Better For The Insurance Companies Than It Does For The American People.” (President Obama, Remarks, 3/8/10) DEMOCRAT BILL: $400 BILL [...]  More

Negative Coverage: The Dems' Health Care Plan Is Going Downhill

Every day we see more articles with a negative response to the government takeover of health care that President Obama continues to push. The negativity isn't coming from Republicans either. It's coming from Democrats who are unhappy with the legislation and the speed at which it's being pushed through. Here are a handful of today's pieces: Democr [...]  More

Roll Call: Walden Rises Up From Obscurity

Rep. Greg Walden (OR) was featured in a Roll Call piece today. Read a little more about the Oregon Republican here: Rep. Greg Walden (Ore.) appears to have done all the right things to win him an appointed seat at the GOP leadership table: be a good team player, prove you’ve got political and policy chops, and have friends in high places. [...]  More

Washington Times: Stop the Orgy in Congress

The Washington Times' editorial page featured a piece today regarding the recently proposed Spending Limit Amendment. Read an excerpt here: When government grows, prosperity shrinks. So does freedom. With those powerfully simple truths in mind, Rep. Jeb Hensarling, Texas Republican, and Rep. Mike Pence, chairman of the House Republican Conference, [...]  More

Video: Pence Talks About the Latest Version of ObamaCare

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence spoke on the House floor today about the latest version of ObamaCare, which the President is trying desperately to pass. As Pence says, "more government control...IS a government takeover of health care." Watch the speech here:   More

NEW: Spending Limit Amendment Site

In honor of the new Spending Limit Amendment just introduced by Rep. Mike Pence, Rep. Jeb Hensarling and Rep. John Campbell, we've created a site to house all the details. The page opens with this: “If runaway spending and borrowing continues unchecked, this generation will be the first to mortgage away the future prosperity of its children [...]  More

Want to Save $11.4 Billion This Year? We Do

Rep. Steve King (IA) published an op/ed today at The American Spectator. See an excerpt of his money-saving ideas here: Spending is out of control in Washington, and even liberals who have long supported Keynesian economics are starting to talk about reducing the national debt. President Obama recognized this sentiment last month when he created a [...]  More

Pence: So-Called Jobs Bill the “Latest Deficit Spending Bill”

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following remarks today in opposition to the Democrats’ latest deficit spending bill: I rise today in opposition to H.R. 2847, the Democrats’ latest so-called jobs bill. There are some good proposals in this legislation.  But once again, Democrats [...]  More

Dem Admits Health Bill Will “Cut Hundreds of Billions of Dollars Out of Medicare”

From the Senate Republican Communications Center: SEN. DICK DURBIN (D-IL): “Some Of Our Critics On The Other Side Of The Aisle Have Said, ‘You Know, They're [Democrats] Going To Cut Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars Out Of Medicare.’ And The Simple Answer Is, Yes.” (Sen. Durbin, Floor Remarks, 3/4/10) The Senate Bill: $466.7 [...]  More

Pence on the Daily Caller: Spending Limit Amendment Stops the Cycle of Broken Promises

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence published a piece on the Daily Caller today regarding his Spending Limit Amendment with Congressman Jeb Hensarling. Read an excerpt here: A crisis is quickly approaching that will undermine the strength of our country and rob our children of their future prosperity. When it comes to getting our natio [...]  More

Roll Call Photo Features Boehner and Pence

Roll Call yesterday featured a photograph series including House Minority Leader John Boehner and House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence during a press conference on the Environmental Protection Agency's finding on carbon dioxide. See one of the photos here:   More

Pence Addresses the President’s Latest Health Care Plan on Fox News’ "America Live” With Megyn Kelly

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following remarks today, on FOXNEWS’ “America Live” with Megyn Kelly, in response to the president’s latest plan for a government takeover of health care:   More

Rep. Rob Bishop (UT) Is "In the Green Room" At the Foundry

From the Heritage Foundation's The Foundry blog: Congressman Rob Bishop (R-UT) stopped by The Heritage Foundation today to meet with bloggers at The Blogger’s Briefing. Before the meeting, he sat down with us to talk about the Supreme Court taking up the Chicago gun-ban case and a possible move by the Department of the Interior to give up&nb [...]  More

Roskam: Americans Want a Fresh Start

Congressman Peter Roskam (IL) has some words on the Democrat health care bill. Watch below and find text beneath the video: “Going into the White House health care summit I was hopeful that we would be able to start over. That we would be able to come together, Republicans and Democrats, scrap this disaster of a plan, and take a clean sheet [...]  More

President Obama in '05: "Reconciliation Is Therefore the Wrong Place for Policy Changes ..."

From the Senate Republican Communications Center: Then-Senator Said It Is “The Wrong Place For Policy Changes,” Has Been “Hijacked To Facilitate Reckless Deficits And Unsustainable Debt” THEN-SEN. BARACK OBAMA (D-IL): “Under The Rules, The Reconciliation Process Does Not Permit That Debate. Reconciliation Is Therefore [...]  More

Pence Opposes EPA Endangerment Finding, Calls It "Backdoor National Energy Tax"

From the office of Congressman Mike Pence: Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the American Energy Solutions Group, joined House Republican leaders today in introducing a Resolution of Disapproval on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) carbon dioxide endangerment finding, which would establish a backdoor national energy tax: Familie [...]  More

Hastings: Obama's Budget Reveals True Agenda on Energy

Rep. Doc Hastings (WA) published a piece in the Washington Times today entitled, "Obama's Budget Reveals True Agenda on Energy." Please see an excerpt here: For the past two years, President Obama has given Americans mixed signals regarding his position on offshore energy production. Sen. Obama opposed it. Candidate Obama changed his mind when ga [...]  More

WSJ: Pence and Hensarling Say It's "Time for A Spending Cap With Teeth"

Rep. Mike Pence (IN) and Rep. Jeb Hensarling (TX) published an op/ed today in The Wall Street Journal regarding their new joint Spending Limit Amendment. Read about it here: Fiscal storm clouds are upon us. In five years, federal spending has skyrocketed to 24.7% from 19.9% of our economy. That's the highest level since World War II. Borrowing has [...]  More

Broun in Roll Call's Office Space Series (VIDEO)

Rep. Paul Broun, M.D. (GA) participated in Roll Call's "Ofiice Space" series to show off his Congressional digs. You may be surprised to find lots of truly stuffed animals on the walls. Broun admits his political activism began because of hunting. His hunting ethic? "If I'm gonna shoot it, I'm gonna eat it." Watch it here:   More

Editorial: Health Care Needs to Be Written By Two Parties

The Detroit News published a thought provoking editorial today regarding health care. See an excerpt here: The motive for last week's so-called bipartisan health care summit is coming into sharper focus. Now that the Democratic majority in Washington has given Republicans a chance to put their ideas on the table, it considers itself justified in i [...]  More

Broun: Oh, the Irony! Oh, the Incompetence!

From Rep. Paul Broun's, M.D. (GA) Blog: On Friday, President Obama appointed the last few members of his “National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform” a.k.a. the debt commission.  I find it ironic that Democrats are so addicted to their big-spending ways that they need other people to force them to stop spending away o [...]  More

Hoyer Says Public is "Ticked" Over Debt, Proposes Raising Taxes

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) said yesterday that the public is "really ticked" over the country's deficit and debt and that such anger could be put into action. But his solution isn't something the American people will find friendly. Hoyer proposed that tax increases were the likely solution to our country's $12 trillion federal debt. [...]  More

RSC's Twitter Day A Success

The Republican Study Committee (RSC) launched a Twitter Day iniative today with success. CNN's Political Ticker covered the event here: The Republican Study Committee organized a "Twitter day" Monday with 68 of their members.   The theme of the day is "My commitment," where the members who have Twitter accounts will send out a tweet saying, " [...]  More

McClintock on the Hawaiian Separatist Bill: HR 2314

Rep. Tom McClintock (CA) wrote a piece for RedState on Friday regarding the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act. See an excerpt here: It pains me to rise in opposition to the valedictory measure of the gentleman from Hawaii, but I believe this bill strikes at the very foundation of a nation dedicated to equality under law.  It estab [...]  More

Reconciliation Is Anything But Simple, Anything But Bipartisan

From the office of House Leader John Boehner: Americans are asking “where are the jobs?” but out-of-touch Washington Democrats continue to focus on a massive government takeover of health care that is destroying jobs right now through the uncertainty it is causing for small businesses.  Now Washington Democrats are getting ready t [...]  More

From CNN: Pelosi Says Health Care Bill Can Be Bipartisan Even Without GOP Votes

An interesting tidbit from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi today. Please read an excerpt about it here: The top House Democrat appears to be signaling that her party has all but given up any hope of achieving meaningful bipartisan support for a health care reform bill. “Bipartisanship is a two-way street,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declare [...]  More