The Library of Congress' photostream / Tags / ship


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COLUMBIA (LOC) by The Library of Congress

TERRIBLE (Brit.) (LOC) by The Library of Congress

WAKIVA (LOC) by The Library of Congress

NEPTUNE, (Brit.) (LOC) by The Library of Congress

On NEW YORK (LOC) by The Library of Congress

SUFFOLK (Brit.) (LOC) by The Library of Congress

NEW YORK arrives, 8/9/14 (LOC) by The Library of Congress

MONARCH (Brit.) (LOC) by The Library of Congress

ADRIATIC sailing (LOC) by The Library of Congress

SANTA ANNA crowd (LOC) by The Library of Congress

SWIFTSURE -- Brit. (LOC) by The Library of Congress

ADRIATIC sailing (LOC) by The Library of Congress

COLOSSUS, Brit. (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Loading Big Gun, British Navy (LOC) by The Library of Congress

On LA LORRAINE, 8/5/14 (LOC) by The Library of Congress

ST. PAUL sails (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Coaling MINNEHAHA (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Belgian reservists on ADRIATIC (LOC) by The Library of Congress

TRAFALGAR (Brit.) (LOC) by The Library of Congress

MINNEHAHA sailing (LOC) by The Library of Congress

SANTA ANNA ship sailing (LOC) by The Library of Congress

French Reservists on SANTA ANNA, 8/14 (LOC) by The Library of Congress

VonDer Tann (Ger.) (LOC) by The Library of Congress

Paying sailors, British Navy (LOC) by The Library of Congress

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(620 uploads)
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