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This Week in Washington

This Week

It was a busy and productive week for me in the 8thDistrict.  My number one priority in Congress is to create more jobs for the people of Minnesota.  This week, I was able to speak face-to-face with my constituents and listen to their needs – whether it’s finding a job, growing a business, or furthering one’s education to find a higher-paying, more stable profession.

On Monday, I hosted a Mayors’ roundtable in Wadena.  We had great attendance and a frank, candid discussion about what is going on in Minnesota communities.  I appreciate the mayors taking the time out of their busy schedules to attend.  This was the most recent in a series of roundtable events scheduled throughout the 8thDistrict.

On Tuesday morning, I attended a breakfast event hosted by the Minnesota Society of CPAs.  I was excited to address the group and learn more about the challenges its members face in this tough economy.  Their knowledge and insight into our archaic and outdate tax code was especially helpful to me as we continue look at ways to simplify our current system.

At lunch, I met with small business owners to hear their perspective on the state government shutdown earlier this summer and how much they were affected by this unfortunate stalemate.  We also discussed the continued threat to our nation’s sovereignty and prosperity posed by our runaway debt, duplicative and unnecessary regulations that are stifling economic growth, and job-killing government-run health care.  As you all know, small business is the engine and lifeblood of the 8th District, and Washington needs to stop interfering in issues that Minnesotans know best.

On Wednesday morning, I attended the Duluth-Superior Coast Guard and Anti-Terrorism Exercise.  The Coast Guard consistently keeps the Port of Duluth and surrounding areas of Lake Superior safe for commerce and recreation.  We all owe our gratitude and respect for their service to our communities and to our nation.

That evening, I held a town hall meeting at the airport in Duluth.  Over 200 people squeezed into this public event for a presentation and Q&A session.  I thoroughly enjoyed the spirited and productive discourse.  As I have said many times before, it is my job to listen to the concerns of all my constituents, and this mantra will guide me in my service to this office.  It was a privilege speaking with my constituents at public town hall meetings in Duluth, Deer River, and Grand Portage this August recess.   

Since entrusted to office, I’m proud to have provided the people of the 8thDistrict thirteen town hall meetings open to the public, seven tele-town hall conferences in which we reached tens of thousands of households, mobile offices in over 75 different cities, numerous roundtable discussions, and three permanent district offices where we conduct office hours.

Rest assured, I will remain an independent, conservative voice in Washington; I promise to uphold the fiscally conservative principles the people of the 8thDistrict entrusted upon me.  

Mobile Offices

Each Friday, members of my staff will head out from my three district offices in North Branch, Duluth and Brainerd to hold what are known as mobile offices.  If you have a question about federal benefits or a question regarding your dealings with a federal agency, please stop by at the given locations at the times listed so you can speak with one of my staff.  The list of mobile offices next Friday, September 2nd, can be found here.  As always, you can also reach my casework staff by phone at (651) 237-8220, or toll free at 1-888-563-7390.

Social Media

One of the best ways you can keep up to speed with what I’m doing in Congress is through social media. I encourage you to follow me on Facebook and on Twitter.

 Very truly yours,

