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Cravaack Votes to Put America Back on Solid Economic Footing

(Washington, DC) – Today, U.S. Congressman Chip Cravaack (MN-8) released the following statement on his vote for H.Con.Res. 34, which establishes the budget for the federal government for Fiscal Year 2012.

“If recent history has shown us anything it is that Washington spends too much, not that Americans are taxed too little. This budget begins the task of reining in the massive deficits we have seen over the last few years and it puts us on a path to pay down our debt in the long term. It cuts $6.2 trillion in government spending over the next decade alone, and it does so without raising taxes.

“This budget replaces runaway spending, and the specter of higher future taxation to pay for it, with the certainty we need to achieve a full economic recovery. It does so without privatizing Social Security and Medicare, or making any changes to these programs for Americans 55 and older. In fact, it protects both of these programs so they will be available to future generations of Americans when they retire.

“One thing is clear, if we do not alter our course we risk going the way of failed economies like Greece, Portugal and Spain. I will not accept the prospect of leaving future generations of Minnesotans a less prosperous, less free nation than the one we have been blessed to live in. The status quo is not an option.”

Congressman Cravaack serves on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee – where he is Vice Chair of the Aviation Subcommittee – the Homeland Security Committee, and the Science, Space and Technology Committee. The 8th Congressional District covers 18 counties in Northeast Minnesota.