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Cravaack Testifies on Behalf of Legislation to Approve Cook County Transportation Construction

Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representative Chip Cravaack (MN-8) testified on behalf of H.R. 2947, legislation which would allow Cook County to move forward with a project that has been in development for a decade while waiting for Congressional action to end the federal restrictions.

In order for legislation to move forward in the Natural Resources Committee mark-up process, a hearing is first required.

“Grand Marais is one step closer to much needed transportation construction,” said Rep. Cravaack.  “I look forward to examining this matter with my colleagues further as we continue to address Minnesota’s existing infrastructure needs.” 

Specifically, The Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands called the hearing to examine legislation sponsored by Rep. Cravaack, which would require the Secretary of Agriculture to release Minnesota from the conditions imposed on it relative to a parcel of land in Cook County intended to be used for the Grand Marais-Cook County Airport.  The airport never used the land, but the federal restrictions on how the land could be developed remained.  This prevented the land from being allocated for any other use.

Testimony Transcript Below

“By passing H.R. 2947, Congress will enable the Cook County Highway Department to purchase the final piece of right-of-way, from the Cook County Airport, for the reconstruction of County Highway 8 (Devil Track Road),” said Cook County Highway Engineer David Betts.  “This bill will benefit the residents and visitors of Cook County by allowing the Highway Department to improve the safety and ride quality of this heavily traveled roadway.  Rep. Cravaack and his staff have been very helpful to Cook County while we try to resolve this unusual issue.”

Rep. Cravaack serves on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee – where he is Vice Chair of the Aviation Subcommittee – the Homeland Security Committee, and the Science, Space and Technology Committee. The 8th Congressional District covers 18 counties in Northeast Minnesota. 


“Thank you Chairman Bishop and Ranking Member Grijalva for holding today’s important legislative hearing, and thank you for kindly inviting me to come testify on my bill, H.R. 2947.  This is an issue of great importance to me and my constituents back in the 8th District of Minnesota.

Mr. Chairman, in July of 1950 the Department of Agriculture initiated a land transfer with Cook County in northeastern Minnesota. The land was given with the expectation that it would be used for the sole purpose of building the Cook County Airport. A clause was placed in the deed that should the land be used for anything other than airport related development, the deal would become void and the property would revert back to the Department of Agriculture.

Currently, the Cook County Highway Department is trying to finish construction of a road that would require the usage of a 100 foot easement of land currently in possession of the Cook County Airport.  While both the Cook County Highway Department and the Cook County Airport are in favor of building on the 100 foot easement, the land in question is part of the original 1950 land procurement made between the Department of Agriculture and the State of Minnesota.

Our local county officials contacted the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) about the matter.  The FAA official they spoke to said an act of Congress was needed to resolve the issue.

Therefore, I sit here today attempting to solve this unforeseen dilemma.  My legislation would instruct the Secretary of Agriculture to execute and file a deed of release, other appropriate instruments reflecting the release of the reversionary interest, and changing the conditions of the agreement. H.R. 2947 does not seek any appropriation of federal funds; its only purpose is to remove a clause placed in the deed when the land was granted.

Members of the committee, this piece of legislation has wide support back home in my District. The Cook County Board is planning to consider a resolution of support in its upcoming December 13th meeting.

With me today I have a letter from the Cook County Highway Department offering its full support for the H.R. 2947. I would respectfully request that the letter be inserted into the Hearing Record.

Additionally, my staff has reached out to the United States Forest Service and they have responded by saying that they have no objections and support this legislation moving forward.   

I’m hopeful the House Natural Resources Committee will next report this bill out of the full committee, making it ready for floor consideration.

Again, thank you Chairman Bishop, Ranking Member Grijalva, and all members of the subcommittee for allowing me the opportunity to testify today.”