
Lamborn Speaks out in Support of Healthcare Repeal Act

Congressman Lamborn Speaks on the House Floor

in Support of Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act

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Transcript of floor speech:

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak in support of this historic effort to bring back our healthcare system from the grip of a massive, unprecedented government takeover.

Overwhelmingly, my constituents in Colorado, like the majority of Americans, know ObamaCare increases costs, explodes the deficit, raises taxes, hurts job-creators, and – most importantly – gives the government control over personal health care decisions.

To force every American to buy a private product like health insurance is unconstitutional.

By using numerous gimmicks, like counting 10 years of tax hikes against 6 years of spending, Democrats rigged ObamaCare to get a misleading deficit score from the Congressional Budget Office. Realistic accounting shows that the law is a budget buster.

ObamaCare creates so much new bureaucracy and spending that it took 2,800 pages to create it, while  the bill to repeal it takes just 2 pages.

Republicans will work to craft better solutions that empower patients and families to make their own health care decisions.

Note: Tomorrow, the Republican majority will introduce legislation aimed at replacing ObamaCare with common sense, patient-centered reforms.

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