Rep. Paul Ryan: The health care law will raise costs and blow a hole in the deficit

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Published on Jun 29, 2012 by

Rep. Paul Ryan on Fox and Friends: "A lot of healthy people are going to say, 'you know what, it just makes more sense to pay this tax or not do anything, instead of buying this insurance,' meaning sicker people will buy the insurance, raising everybody's premiums. Everybody's healthcare premiums in America are going to go up as a result this. That's very clear. With the Medicaid ruling, where they're saying states don't have to implement these new Medicaid rules, more people as a consequence to that are going to go onto Obamacare. So you're going to see a bigger increase in the cost. Millions of people who are otherwise going to go on Medicaid, are now going to go on Obamacare which costs a whole lot more money. So this is going to blow a hole through the deficit even more than we had already thought."


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  • badlipreading ftw!

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  • Ryan said he wants to privatize medicare with his ridiculous voucher system. Deregulation + Corporations drafting the legislation= The Republican way.

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  • Do you ever get tired of playing the race card?

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  • You are a fool, I would be happy to debate about that ridiculous comment you just made.

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  • They are crooks. Ryan is going to privatize so they can crash the market

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  • you are an excellent example of such.

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  • i do not ascribe to your beliefs, but if you are going to use the bible to prove you know the future, it would be well if you would also remember that jesus said no one knows when this is going to happen. how boring to believe you know the future. the reality is a universe full of surprise, like it or not.

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    The 44th President of the United States of America “BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA” The greatest black man… that ever lived!


    VOTE OBAMA 2012

    REV. 16:16

    There will be “nowhere to hide” once Israel is attacked! God’s… promise to man! The battle… begins. OBAMA, was born for this very day! The “Son Of Man” is coming home to where it begun, JERUSALEM.


    VOTE OBAMA 2012

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  • Or you could actually look into it instead of buying leftist talking points. Seriously, actually listen to himself explain it.

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  • Ryan wants to replace Medicare with vouchers and Social Security with savings accounts.

    But he's white and he waves the flag so you'll vote for him anyway.

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