
Lamborn Demands Fiscal Restraint and Accountability

Washington, Mar 6, 2008 - Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) issued the following statement after introducing H. Res. 1027 to strike House Rule XXVIII, better known as the Gephardt Rule, to provide more accountability in the budget process.

"We must rein in runaway spending and demand fiscal restraint in Washington with transparency and accountability. It’s time to draw a fiscal line in the sand and put a stop to continuously increasing the national debt. If Members of Congress want to raise the national debt level, then there needs to be a recorded vote. The Senate has no such secretive procedure.  If they wish to raise the debt limit, a recorded vote is required. Members of Congress should no longer be able to hide behind this loophole in the system." – Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)
